
The Perfect Tech Experience

Day: February 4, 2023

Chin augmentation changed my life!

Leafing through her friend’s wedding album, Sharron Taylor was on fire with jealousy. It wasn’t that she was desperate to meet that special someone, settle down, and get married. Oh no, Sharron, 37, had done the big white wedding years…

Tips on the care and spawning of zebra tilapia

Zebra Tilapia or Tilapia buttikoferi are members of the Cichlidae family more commonly known as cichlids. They inhabit the rivers and streams of Liberia in West Africa. Zebra tilapia have a pale yellow or whitish body with vertical black stripes…

11 tips for an organized job search

So, are you looking for a new job? Perhaps you are making a voluntary career transition. Maybe you’ve been fired, or worse yet, you’ve been fired. Regardless of the reason for your career change, one fact remains true: If you’re…