
The Perfect Tech Experience

Digital Marketing

The three roles of an organizational spokesperson

The prospect of being interviewed by a reporter creates anxiety for even the most confident professional tasked with serving as the voice of an organization in communicating with the media. Training helps increase the likelihood that this spokesperson will convey the key messages of an organization clearly and in a way that is tailored to the needs of the journalist. Understanding the three roles of spokesperson (expert, educator, and salesperson) is the first and most important component of this training.

As the individual to be interviewed, the designated spokesperson is the one with whom the reporter wants to speak on an issue at a particular time. The spokesperson has the necessary knowledge and perspective. The reporter considers the spokesperson to be an expert.

As an educator, the spokesperson provides information to a journalist to emerge with a clearer understanding of the topic. Reporters vary in journalistic experience and knowledge of the subject. Even the most experienced reporter doesn’t know everything. An effective spokesperson has information that the journalist does not have, particularly regarding company activities and industry trends. As an educator, the spokesperson recognizes the reporter’s expertise and elaborates the content and delivery of their comments accordingly. The main challenge here is for the spokesperson to share information without appearing condescending or arrogant.

Ultimately, the spokesperson is a salesperson for the organization, cause, product, and / or service. Public relations and other professionals approach journalists with story ideas because they see the media as a powerful medium for communicating what their organizations have to offer to current or potential stakeholders. To this end, the role of “spokesperson as salesperson” requires an enthusiastic and energetic communication style.

However, it is imperative to recognize that journalists do not want to be sold, as a marketer might try to persuade a potential customer of the merits of a product. Your goal is to write stories that interest readers, viewers, listeners, and other media consumers. The purpose of a reporter is to serve this audience, NOT to do a commercial for a company. That is why the salesperson role ranks third, after the expert and educator. In short, the most effective organizational spokespersons mute their marketing and sales orientation when speaking to reporters. They highlight what the interview topic means to the reporter’s audiences while avoiding a treatise on why your company’s offerings are the best.

In short, the goal of the spokesperson is to provide useful information that meets the needs of a journalist and communicates the key messages of an organization. It is true that it is a challenge to balance these tasks while fulfilling the three identified roles. However, it is invaluable in the long run for building productive relationships with the media that, in turn, serve the broader marketing and organizational goals.


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