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Reading a man’s body language

Men can seem like strange beings at times, especially when their behavior can be so different from women. So if you’re trying to understand a man, sometimes the best advice is to keep things very simple. Because what he’s projecting is likely what he’s really feeling, and that’s when reading a man’s body language can really come in handy.

Reading a man’s body language begins by studying his facial expressions. It’s pretty hard not to convey your true feelings with your facial features, so if he looks happy or sad, he usually is, and so on. If he’s attracted to you, he might raise a quizzical eyebrow, be cheeky with a wink, or touch his face while he’s talking to you. However, if he’s trying to dig deeper than just the exterior of a happy face, then he’ll have to look a little further to read his body language.

First of all, is it mirroring you? When men mirror what you’re doing, it means they’re trying to get in sync with you. It’s a subconscious way of sending you subliminal messages that they want to join you.

When reading a man’s body language, the strongest signs of attraction may include sitting with your legs wide apart, giving you a full frontal view of your man’s jewelry, or standing with your legs apart with your hands on your chest. hips as an act of male dominance with hops you will find him strong and attractive.

Touching body language is also always a strong indication that someone is interested in you. Even if it’s just a very macho ‘hi five’ or a pat on the back, the fact that he still wants to touch you usually means that he would like to touch you even more, in a more sexual way but keeping it clean. above the belt, so to speak, while he tries to gauge a reaction from you.

Of course, there will also be times when reading a man’s body language doesn’t always end in a positive outcome. If he just doesn’t like you, he’ll usually make it pretty clear by avoiding you, or standing so far away from you in a group, ignoring you, or just not seeing you ‘that way.’ Unfortunately, some men may use aggressive body language or words toward women when feelings are not reciprocated. In this case, you do not want to be associated with that type of person who does not have the skills to let someone down lightly.

In general, communicating with body language can be a very effective tool when trying to get to know or understand someone. However, the best advice is to follow your instinct.


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