
The Perfect Tech Experience


Personal motivation: the key to business success

For any company, no matter its size, its employees are the key to business success. If you treat your employees fairly and with respect, they will enjoy coming to work, take pride in working for your company, and are much more likely to provide good customer service.

A happy employee is an employee who won’t get “sick” because they don’t feel like going to work. They will feel part of your company, they will feel confident and they will feel a responsibility towards you.

Of course, every employer has rules and guidelines to follow regarding the rights of their employees. But there are a few little extras you can do that can make a big difference—making your employees happy, improving business efficiency, saving money on sick pay, and therefore improving your company’s success.

A little compliment can go a long way

Whether an employee has gone to great lengths to meet a deadline, taken on some extra responsibility, worked hard, or just performed very well, giving a compliment to show that you’ve noticed their efforts can have a very positive effect.

Feeling recognized and appreciated in your own work is fundamental. It boosts morale and the person you congratulate will be inspired to keep up the good work.

It only takes a few minutes of your time to let someone know that you appreciate their work. The effects, however, are long lasting.

be interested

If you are the owner of a large company, of course it is almost impossible to get to know your employees to the extent that you know the names of their children, partners and grandchildren. However, it might be a good idea for your managers to take an interest in the lives of those they supervise. Not to the level of what seems to be poking around in your business, but it can be useful to ask from time to time, for example, how the kids are doing.

An interest in your employees creates a sense that you care, and they won’t feel treated like a number there just to make money for you.

This, again, allows an employee to feel appreciated and bond with your company.

A good work environment works wonders

If possible, allow your employees to have a drink at their desk or a snack.

Allowing people to personalize their workspace can also help, especially in a busy environment. A family photo, a small plant or a trinket makes you feel more at home, which is important when you spend a lot of time at work.

Small businesses will often allow employees to dress casual. If this is not possible in your company, perhaps you could consider having a dress casual day every once in a while, at least for those who are not dealing directly with customers.


I was born and raised in the Netherlands. Most companies follow the tradition of giving each employee a Christmas basket as a “thank you” for his hard work throughout the year. Alternatively, employees can receive a gift certificate or bonus.

If it is financially feasible for your company to do something along these lines, you will find that such a gesture is appreciated. It doesn’t have to be something big or expensive, it really is the idea that counts.


A caring company, a company that recognizes the value of its employees and allows people to be people, is a company that works. People who are treated with genuine respect will return that respect and be inspired to achieve great things.


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