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Health Fitness

Calorie Cycling Plan – Does Calorie Cycling Work?

mirror mirror on the wallLooking in the mirror is my most immediate reason for wanting to lose pounds. That and the ever-tightening belt and ever-growing chin. I realize that things like stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension are more important and I would definitely move them to number one if I developed any of them. The bottom line is that these are all reasons to try something new like calorie cycle weightloss. Now, before you head out and start looking for that new mountain bike, we’re not talking about riding a bike like a bike. We’re talking about a weight loss program that’s easier to follow than traditional diets, gets results faster, and avoids the pitfalls of plateauing. It’s an easier way to lose weight for those who have had trouble losing weight in the past and for those who plan to lose a few pounds now.

Wren’s DNA issues.

Our bodies are very stingy when it comes to their fat. Fat is the body’s safety net in case of starvation or deprivation. You see, our bodies don’t realize that we are living in times of relative abundance, they are still operating on the DNA we had as Hunter-gatherers which instructed the body to convert any excess food into fat and store it in its fat cells. This made sense in caveman days because you could never be sure when you would be able to hit your next mammoth and the body needed to store fat to survive those hard times. As a result, our bodies will quickly adapt to reduced calorie cycling. that is, low calorie diet. Metabolism slows down as calories drop. This happens because our caveman DNA sends starvation signals to the hypothalamus.

What is calorie cycling?calorie cycle it is a way of keeping the body off guard. According to our DNA, losing weight is a great crime against our body, so we must keep that fact a secret. Since it takes a few days for the body to figure out our nefarious plan to reduce its fat stores, we have the opportunity to hide our plans by cycling our caloric intake with a calorie cycle plan. But does calorie cycling work?

Does calorie cycling work better than other diets?

I am not going to claim that it is superior to all other diet plans, but it definitely works better than all traditional low calorie programs. Remember rule one: the body adapts to behavior patterns. If you are repeating actions over and over again to change your body in some way, your body will adapt to that pattern and then stabilize. That means you’ll stop changing the way you want to for long periods of time, no matter how faithful you are to sticking to your routine. This is really daunting! But when we go through a set of mini-plans, we can prevent the body from adapting to our routine.

Diet every two daysIf you alternate your eating plan every other day or so you can keep your resting metabolism high, you won’t get bored with a routine and you’ll lose weight fast. Some calorie cycling plans are better than others and I encourage you to use the one that includes foods you would normally consider “no no” when dieting. This makes the whole diet process much more fun. When you know you only have a day or two before you can complete your routine.

a new you

Imagine how you will look in 4 weeks while enjoying calorie cycling weight loss. If you keep that imagination in front of you, you’ll easily follow your calorie cyclical weight loss plan to a new you.


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