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Health Fitness

Tips on how to gain weight and build muscle

Even though a lot of adult men and women struggle to lose weight, there are many who struggle to find the best strategy for gaining body weight and building muscle. If you intend to gain weight and build strong muscles, you may need to eat a few extra calories every day. You will need to exercise to build muscle mass, but you will also need to make sure you are not exercising too much or training too much because you will lose body weight rather than gain it. Eating extra calories every day doesn’t mean you have to eat junk food either. If you want to know how to gain weight and muscle, consider eating high-protein foods and concentrating on weight training.

There are some general rules and tips on how to gain a healthy weight and build hard muscles.

Eat extra calories seven days a week.

How many extra calories you will need to eat to gain weight depends on how easily you metabolize food and how much you plan to exercise. There are pretty simple steps to solve it. To do this, you must use a basal metabolic rate (BMR) calculator. You can find one anywhere on the Internet. But if you love math, this is what the formula looks like and you can solve it on your own.

In case you don’t use kilograms (kg) and centimeters (cm), then 1 kg = 2.2 pounds. and 1 inch = 2.54 cm.

For adult men, the formula is: BMR = 66 (13.7 X weight in kg) (5 X height in cm) – (6.8 X age in years) and for women it is BMR = 655 (9.6 X weight in kg) ( 1.8 X height in kg) in cm) – (4.7 X age in years).

So for example, I am a 32-year-old male, I am 196 cm (6 ′ 5 ″) and I weigh 96 kg (211 pounds). My BMR is 2579 calories per day.

If you know your BMR, you can calculate your daily energy expenditure by multiplying your BMR by your activity multiplier. If you have a desk job and don’t have exercise, multiply it by 1.2. If you exercise 1 to 3 days a week, multiply it by 1.375 and, if it is 3 to 5 times a week, by 1.55. If you’re very active, then 1,725, and if you run a marathon or do some extreme exercise, then it’s 1.9 for you.

Now, in my case, I would multiply my BMR (2579) by 1.55 because I go to the gym 3-4 times a week, and this comes to 3996. What does this mean? It’s very simple; I have to consume almost 4000 calories a day to maintain my body weight. If I wanted to lose weight, I would need much less, and on the other hand, if I wanted to gain weight, my daily calorie intake would have to increase.

But as I mentioned before, you can find the calculator on the net. You don’t have to calculate it yourself because this alone would burn a few hundred calories.

Eat much more often

Eat 5 to 6 meals every day to make sure you eat enough and have consistent energy. It can be difficult to get most of the calories you need from just one meal a day. And even if you do, prepare to be pushed into the sea by Greenpeace, as they will mistake you for a whale. Dividing your meals will allow you to add extra calories to your daily intake without feeling uncomfortably full and fat.

Eat the perfect foods to build muscle. Foods high in carbohydrates and unhealthy fats, such as desserts, potato chips, or potato chips, will help you gain weight, but they will not increase your muscle mass. Stick with protein-rich foods like lean chicken, fish, beans, and nuts. Nuts and certain fish, such as salmon, will provide you with healthy protein and fat. And if you can’t get that or don’t have the time, you can always have a high protein energy bar. That is a much better option than a Snickers.


Sorry to disappoint you, but it is extremely difficult to build muscle mass if you don’t exercise. And if you already exercise, remember that you will gain weight and muscle mass faster if you lift heavier weights less times than if you lift lighter weights more times. Try to exercise your entire body to build muscle mass. The best exercises to do this are leg squats and dead lifts. Try to do that as much as possible. If you like to run or do a lot of cardio, STOP! Have you ever seen a marathon runner with large muscle groups? Probably not, and there is a reason for it. Cardio burns a lot of calories, and that’s the exact opposite of what you need.

To rest

Get enough sleep because your body needs recovery time for muscles to grow. Try to get about 7 hours of sleep each night. Exercise about 4 times a week to gain muscle mass without hurting yourself. It is very inconvenient when you cannot exercise because you have injured yourself from pushing it too far.

Keep smiling!

Try to stay stress-free as much as possible to gain a healthy weight. Stress causes your body to release a hormone, cortisol, which can lead to fat storage. So keep smiling!

There is also a very important question that I must address. All of these helpful tips work in a broad sense, but for best results, you need to configure your training regimen and your eating and sleeping routine around your somatotype, which is simply a person’s body type. There are three types: an ectomorph (tall and thin body), an endomorph (rounded body shape), and a mesomorph (muscular and stocky physique of medium height). Each body type has specific characteristics, and what works for one may not work for the other two. So if you’ve had trouble gaining weight, this could be the reason.

When you start a new training program, you will often have extreme muscle pain, called DOMS (Late-onset muscle pain). This pain is perfectly normal and shouldn’t stop you from following your weight training program. It disappears in a couple of days. And if you get DOMS, it means that you trained hard and you really should be proud of yourself.


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