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Keep your skin healthy under that Halloween mask

Just go to any department store and you will find the sure signs that Halloween is almost here. There are costumes, makeup, and loads of candy ready to buy and distribute. Just remember that a scary costume night can have a negative effect on your skin. This is especially true if you are considering wearing makeup to become that ghoulish zombie on Halloween.

Most of the Halloween makeup you buy is not made to protect your skin like normal skin care products. In fact, a lot of Halloween-like makeup and face paints are oil-based, which can cause multiple skincare problems for anyone with acne-prone skin. Try and choose oil-free makeup or face paints. Water-based, alcohol-free makeup or face paints are the best options.

I do not recommend that you use a homemade recipe to create your own makeup. One reason is that most home recipes involve food coloring. I’ve seen patients still green from their homemade makeup well into November. It’s best to use over-the-counter Halloween makeup and face paints.

It is very important that you wash off your makeup after a long night handing out candy and scaring all your friends. Don’t go to bed with your makeup still on! It is never a good idea to have something you bought for a few dollars on your face all night. Take a shower and use a mild cleanser to get all that makeup off.

Don’t forget to listen to your skin. If you feel itchy or burning under makeup, your skin may be telling you that something is wrong. So be sure to remove your makeup immediately to try to minimize any rash or irritation caused by your makeup. Make an appointment with a board certified dermatologist if irritation continues to be a problem.

Avoid wearing your mask days after Halloween by making good decisions in your Halloween costume.


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