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A Love Of Life (How to live well in any circumstance)

Patience, understanding, tolerance: the three qualities that are needed to face life and face it well. Everything leads to positive grace that gives a full sense of what it really takes to live successfully. When I write or talk about living successfully, I am not just talking or writing about money, I am talking about developing general habits of dealing with life and existence, including everything in it, including money, but on top of that. , deal with the whole of life and existence. existence with patience, understanding, tolerance and grace. What I mean by the word grace is to patiently work for yourself in the right way before making a judgment on a situation and that includes using the aforementioned technique of patience, understanding and tolerance in all matters related to life. and existence. Call it segmented logical judgment, call it creative work with life, call it slow judgment, call it whatever. I call it the most necessary thing there is to deal with reality.

Ultimately, however, it all comes down to love and appreciation for what it takes to deal with life genuinely and effectively. If self-esteem is the immune system of the soul and spirit, then this kind of grace, patience, understanding, and tolerance is what it takes for everything to function properly in that immune system.

Hating life, rushing to judge, irrational fear, and hasty actions are foolish, even if they are apparently necessary. The weakest lives depend on that mindset that doesn’t have an honestly logical and patiently realistic thought process anyway. The biggest mistake that can be made in life and existence is an irrational rush to judge, or “follow the crowd without thinking about anything.” After all, genuine education boils down to genuine learning, not blind, fearful actions based purely on what others think or fearful and irrational emotions for no reason.

My personal advice (as well as my mother’s advice). Before acting, think calmly, reason logically even if it takes longer to do so. Have enough love for yourself to do things right, from the biggest to the smallest. I’m not saying that you are too detail-oriented, but I am saying that things should be done right and well until you get food into your body or groom yourself every day. So, I’ll end this, panic, fear, or hatred as a factor in anything is bad, especially in a rush. Take a breath, exert intellectual influence on yourself, and do what’s right, whatever the cost. It is that little positive reality that works to create positive self-esteem and self-love as a reality within you.


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