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I stopped bothering my estranged husband and now he calls me. How do I handle it now?

It is not unusual for a wife to feel very frustrated and insecure when she is struggling with the marital separation that only her husband wanted. Often, she begins to try everything in her power to get him to change…

Reasons why a playing card holder is ideal for someone with a disability

Bridge is a very popular game, especially among the older generation. It’s fun, it’s sociable, and it helps keep your brain active. It is quite common for older people to want to retire to a new location or move to…

The Art of Fantasy Writing – Subgenres

The word fantasy often brings to mind stories of a magical world where dragons, heroes, and incredible lands are filled with danger at every turn. The reality is that writing fantasy is much more than that. A fantasy world is…

What is the connection between a man’s ego and the size of his penis?

Women often talk about a man’s elevated ego and male chauvinism. This male chauvinism is also said to be partly related to being well-endowed. Even though women have tried and succeeded in almost every field, men still consider themselves superior…

married to a chinese boy

Daria and Alvin’s love story Daria and Alvin got online on one of the websites where people exchange languages. It was March 2014 and at that time she lived in Harbin (North China) and he in Shanghai. They have started…

In-Depth Review of Medevac SOP

Medevac’s SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) are primarily designed and used to support the evacuation of patients requiring clinical interventions. Procedures are governed by various evacuation laws and subject to life safety regulations. Safety laws and regulations are in place to…

midlife crisis in men

The last decades of the 20th century have seen the glorification and worship of Youth Culture. The ubiquitous Yuppies have taken the world by storm. They are knowledgeable, incredibly dynamic, prodigiously intelligent, powerful, and ambitious. This coupled with the sexual…

Why Cocky and Funny attract women young and old

A combination of being cocky and funny has its benefits over being cocky or funny alone. Women consider conceited men to be braggarts, too conceited for comfort. This makes a date a complete mistake if you ask me. Also, if…

10 Effective Soccer Betting Money Management Techniques You Should Know

Soccer betting is considered an easy activity to make a profit these days. While there are many websites and bookmakers to help you invest in soccer betting, you need to be careful in choosing the best one among them. Therefore,…

The Coolest Items in World of Warcraft and How to Get Them – Part 17 – Skull of Impending Doom

The Skull of Impending Doom is an off-hand item that looks like a horned skull on a stick. You can use this item in some very useful ways. The Skull of Imminent Doom is a reward for the Forbidden Knowledge…