
The Perfect Tech Experience


The Different Types Of Thermometer And Their Use

There are many different types of thermometers on the market. Whether you’re checking the temperature of food and beverages, monitoring ambient or outdoor temperatures in the workplace, choosing a thermometer for a child’s medicine cabinet, or taking critical industrial measurements,…

Where do wrinkles come from?

Several months ago, I had two cataracts removed from my eyes. How they got there I don’t know. As far as I can remember, they never asked my permission, and what’s more, they never paid rent to be there. According…

High Paying Affiliate Programs

When I started affiliate marketing, I was trying to sell $100 products to make $40. It seems obvious to me now that this is going to be a difficult business model. He would have had to sell thousands of products…

How to Start a CPA and Tax Accounting Firm

Having gained considerable experience developing five of my own accounting practices and spending the next two decades individually helping more than 2,000 accountants develop their own practices, there are some basic principles accountants can observe to give themselves the best…

Avoiding Shell Trusts and Trust Schemes – Part I – Shell Trusts

Legitimate trusts are tools used by qualified estate planners and their clients to achieve certain objectives, including, but not limited to, controlling the disposition of assets, avoiding probate, reducing administration costs, saving estate taxes, and preserving family heritage for future…

Year "iPhoneic" Journey

It’s not just Adam and Eve who fell under the spell of the Apple; there are thousands of Apple fans who simply swoon at the sight of the bitten apple on the back of the phone. The Apple iPhone is…

CoinStar Vending Franchise – Earn money by counting money

CoinStar franchises don’t really exist. It was the brainchild of a college student who had an idea… create a machine that would convert loose change into cash. 18,900 kiosks later, you can find them in supermarkets, banks, drug stores, convenience…

Business Process Outsourcing – Essential Elements to Look for in Service Provider Proposals

Distance, time zones, culture and language no longer limit where companies of any size have customers, suppliers or service providers in this era of fluid commerce between continents. A key to success – and survival – is finding a reliable…

The virtual assistant: becoming an entrepreneur, not an employee

California’s unemployment rate is now the highest in nearly 70 years. While some still struggle to find a new job as an employee, there are those with an entrepreneurial spirit who have decided to create their own job by becoming…

5 top tips to stay motivated

I have two tasks today that I absolutely need to get done before the end of the day. Both are important. One of them is a fairly mundane task; the other is something that I am going to enjoy a…