
The Perfect Tech Experience


Curing powder film

Once the powder has been applied to the component, it is heated. When heated, the powder film will first melt, flow and adhere to the substrate being coated. Continuous heating will “cure” the dust; curing involves a chemical reaction called…

Your credit score could affect your life

There is a lot of information about your Credit. But what exactly does your credit mean? In this article I will discuss three categories. The first is your credit score, the second will be your credit report, and the third…

Web hosting plans: what are they about

Today, web hosting plans are one of the most important considerations of more or less all webmasters. There are many great business web hosting plans that are yet very affordable. Someone who is serious about their business may suffer later,…

Why combining locations in a single FEIN is bad for your worker’s compensation premium

For some insurance agents, combining separate locations on a policy to form a Common Experience Mod is common practice. This practice, however, can have serious problems and can cost you, as the business owner, a considerable amount of money. In…

Top 10 things to consider when choosing a quality dog ​​food

It is common when I work with people and their dogs that one of their first questions is what should I feed my dog? My answer is always the same. Pay for a quality holistic dog food with limited fillings….

Can a bank legally make a profit on foreclosed property?

As banks are foreclosing hundreds of thousands of properties across the country, the question continues to arise: “Can banks make a profit on foreclosed properties?” The simple answer is yes, but it takes some special circumstances to make it happen….

Reviewing Legendary Indian Director Satyajit Ray’s Masterpiece From ‘Pather Panchali’

For twenty whole years of my life I lived in ignorance without having seen the sun or the moon, but today I have finally seen the Ray and I feel holy and blessed now. Akira Kurusawa, the man behind Japanese…

Worth every penny book review

As the owner of a home photography studio, I find that ongoing education is vital to the continued growth of my business. There are a variety of forms of education for photographers and other business owners: lectures, classes, local meetings,…

Differences between GAAP and IFRS

In the world of accounting, there is a set of rules that are followed to ensure that business runs smoothly and in an orderly manner. In the United States, accounts follow a set of rules known as GAAP (Generally Accepted…

Business tax deductions

As we enter mid-March, taxpayers start to get very interested in deductions. Below are some that you may have the right to claim. Deductible expenses Office expenses Rent or lease payments Advertising Costs of goods sold Insurance costs Utilities Payments…