
The Perfect Tech Experience


Tips for Avoiding Pet Health Hazards in the Fall

Fall is a favorite season for furry friends due to its fresh air, colorful foliage, and the sweet scent of seasonal plants that linger in the air. Although the season is cozy, it comes with potential health risks for your…

Dog and Cat Supplements: What Your Pets Would Really Want If You Could Tell Them

Supplements for dogs and cats allow all kinds of pet owners to do what’s best for their furry friends. In addition to providing endless love, food, and safe shelter, there is so much more you can do for your dogs…

First round final of Hero Honda Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Mega Challenge 2009 on ZEE TV

Today, December 11, 2009, the first round final of Mega Challenge starts on ZEE TV between West Bengal and Maharashtra. Each team performed Group, Duo and Jugalbandi songs. Hero Honda Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Mega Challenge 2009 on ZEE…

There is no such thing as a puppy cut.

“I’d like a puppy cut please,” says Bella’s mom, owner of an adorable Maltese. Quick: look at the shrunken shape along the hairdressers face as they think, “What does that mean???” There is no “standard term” in the grooming industry…

fun date ideas

Looking for fun date ideas? When you’ve been in a relationship for a while, it’s easy to become complacent and spend less time together instead of more. Life gets busy and unfortunately we start to take each other for granted…

7 tips for caring for lizards

One of the best attributes of having a lizard as a pet at home is the diversity of this animal. Caring for pet lizards can be one of the most unique experiences a pet lover can have. These reptiles are…

Bichon Fris̩ РDental and eye care

People and dogs have more in common than one might originally think. To keep their teeth and gums healthy and prevent periodontal disease, the Bichon Frize requires routine dental care, just like you. Starting dental care when your Bichon Frize…

I am a woman and my hair is thinking of the front in the bangs – what should I do?

The other day I got an email from someone saying that they had noticed a lot of hair thinning in the bang area, so much so that you could see the white of their scalp where the bangs met the…

My life with the Lord, a Hovawart dog

I met Lord one afternoon in May 1994, he was just over 3 years old. He was traveling with Beth Lynch at the time. She had recently rescued him and 12 other Hovawarts, a rare breed of dog, from a…

The 10 most common questions about ferret kits

Baby ferrets, or kits as they are also called, are charming little creatures that drive strong personalities and lots of energy. As such, many people who want to buy a ferret think about starting over with a baby ferret. However,…