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Real Estate

Negotiation Strategy Vs Tactics

I have been studying, practicing and teaching martial arts for over twenty-five years. This includes time spent in the United States Army and living in Japan and Korea studying martial arts there. Two important concepts that I have studied, taught,…

The 10 most haunted houses in the world

Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp (Oswiecim, Poland) – Haunted houses aren’t just homes per se. The world’s 10 most haunted houses include any building that houses people, and this is one of the bleakest places in the world. The Auschwitx concentration camp…

4 Guidelines for Claiming Rental Properties as a Business on the FAFSA

Rental property on the FAFSA has always been an area of ​​contention in my mind. The way these assets are listed on the FAFSA can mean the difference of thousands of dollars in financial aid. Being told by the government…

Buying property in OMR, Chennai

Are you looking for 2 and 3 BHK apartments in OMR Chennai? It is most likely a good bet as real estate prospects are looking up along the stretch of Old Mahabalipuram Road or OMR, one of the most coveted…

Property for sale in Nicosia makes a good investment

It wasn’t until a decade ago that interest in buying and selling property in Cyprus increased among foreigners intrigued by the joys of living and investing in the island nation. Thanks to its beauty and modernization, the quality of life…

Who hires a life coach?

Successful people, that’s who! Many people know that professional athletes have coaches who push them to be their best, but what about the best CEOs and business people? You might be surprised to learn that most top entrepreneurs often hire…

Granite countertops: peculiarities and advantages

You’ve redesigned your kitchen floor plan, you’ve decided on the appliances you want, and you’re ready to select your countertops. But…do you want traditional laminate, professional stainless steel, marble, or the warm aesthetic appeal of a granite countertop? Granite countertops…

Become an energy broker and help people save money on their energy bill

If you haven’t already heard, about 1/3 of the United States has deregulated their energy policy. Simply put, this means that local utility companies can now charge whatever they want for electricity and/or natural gas. This is both bad news…

Three reasons why loan applications are denied

Most people only seek a loan when they are in dire need of funds. These funds can be used for emergencies, a new car, and even home repairs. Whatever the reason a person needs a loan, it can be disappointing…

Real estate submarkets and their characteristics

Tea Jamaica Real Estate Submarket The general market for goods and services is made up of many submarkets. When left free to operate without private or government interference, each submarket and the general market as a whole should theoretically regulate…