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Electrodermal detection for Candida level and blood test

If you go to a homeopath, the doctor may direct you to do a non-evasive test called electrodermal screening. The result will tell the ND if you have a high level of candida. There, you’ll likely also do an allergy test to learn which foods don’t work well for your individual system. You can ask at a health food store if they know of anyone in your area who gets this test.

There is also a blood test to see if you have H-plyori in your system. According to one person who was tested, his blood work showed that his progesterone was low, even taking Pro-gest cream. So her doctor was giving her a supplement with a tablet to take at night. She also has low blood sugar, which was surprising since when she was tested, she had just finished her period, and that’s usually when she doesn’t have low blood sugar. And another thing, the reason her doctor asked him to come to her office is because he assumed she was low on thyroid hormone. Her test results fell at the lower end of the normal range. She surmised that this could be what was throwing my blood sugar out of balance.

He gave her 30 mg of Armor tablets, to take one in the morning. She has been on this for three days and really notices a difference. She is not having blood sugar drops. She sometimes feels Hungarian, so you better watch it. Also all the muscle pain that she has been experiencing for years is gone. She hasn’t fully tested herself, but she did clean the bathroom and downstairs floors after she got home from work. She survived.

She did not have cold hands and feet, or dry or itchy skin that is typical to find in people who need thyroid supplements. In fact, she still has very oily skin from her teenage years. She did have fatigue, constipation, muscle pain, and blood sugar drops. So if any of you sound like her, check out the thyroid.


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