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Digital Marketing

How to get more quality traffic to your website

When it comes to driving traffic to your website, the most important thing to remember is that quality is more important than quantity.

You’ve probably heard that before “less is more,” And that’s definitely true when it comes to driving traffic to your website using methods like blogging, social media marketing, and more. But somehow the idea of ​​quality over quantity isn’t even a real option.

The importance of quality

The real questions you need to answer are:

  • What is your purpose? – Explain the reasons behind doing what you are doing in one to three sentences.
  • Who is your audience? – Explain who you are doing it for by creating a persona of your ideal customer or customer.
  • How fast do you want to succeed? – What is the timeline of your success story?

The thing is that high quality must be given. The next question is how much time do you have to spend producing the kind of quality you want to produce and how quickly do you want to experience success. It’s all a numbers game and it’s easy to break down if you understand your niche and industry.

an action plan

When you determine the type of traffic you want, it will dictate the type of content you create for your audience. Then calculate how many visitors you need to get to your website to convert it into a certain amount of sales. Find out how each piece of content you use and each pay-per-click you add affects those goals, and from this you can create a plan of action.

That plan should include both quality and quantity, at least to the point where you’re generating the amount of traffic you need to generate to make the amount of money you’ve planned to make.

How many web visitors do you need?

For example, suppose your niche has a daily average total of 200 visitors per day, your product costs $20, and your conversion rate is 5%. This means that for every 200 visitors, you will make 10 sales. That would be, in this case, $200 a day in gross earnings for your efforts. If you want more results, you’ll either need to generate above-average traffic or increase the price of your product.

The best way to increase traffic is to increase the amount of activity on your website through blog posts and other types of content that you offer to your audience, while maintaining a high quality.

So that’s why the idea of ​​choosing between quality and quantity isn’t really a real choice. Depending on your goals, you may need to do both. You will always need to produce high quality information or products, that is what is expected. However, you can increase the amount of content you add to your website or develop new products faster or slower depending on your goals.


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