
The Perfect Tech Experience

Lifestyle Fashion

I graduated from beauty school, now what?

Congratulations! You just finished beauty school. Now what?

In a perfect world, you’d go to cosmetology school, learn to maximize your talents, get your license, and easily land a job at a high-end beauty salon.

However, that is usually not the reality.

Do not despair. You don’t have to resign yourself to spending your days living paycheck to paycheck. There are a few things you can do to get a great job and I’ll show you how.

1. Examine your goals. This is a simple step, and one of the most overlooked. You need to set career goals, but first you need to look within yourself. What did you enjoy most about beauty school or barbershop? Do you have a talent for creating precision cuts? Are you more creative with color? Can you make up like an artist painting on a canvas? You need to identify your creative strengths and work with them. If there’s something you don’t enjoy doing at all, then there’s no reason you have to do it long term. Recognize your own strengths and market them. Do you want to be a master stylist one day? Is it your dream to be a top colorist? You need to think about these things when you begin your job search. When you first start school, you should have a roadmap of where you want to go and how you are going to get there. The sooner the better. When you set short-term and long-term goals, it keeps you focused and on the prize.

2. Watch the part. Appearance matters in the beauty industry. When you head into salons, stores, or spas for interviews, you’ll want to walk in as if you already worked there. Make sure your hair and makeup are on-trend and that you’re dressed for the occasion. You want the salon recruiting team to be able to picture you on the salon floor, right when they meet you. This will make you appear more informed, professional, and confident. You may have heard this advice mentioned above in the corporate world. Interviewees are often advised to dress as if they already have the position they are applying for. The same can easily be applied to the beauty industry.

3. Keep learning. What? You’re probably thinking… I just completed 18 months of school, but the truth is, learning never ends. You need to keep learning. This industry is constantly evolving. Make it a point to regularly enroll in advanced classes. For example, if you’re sitting in your interview and telling the hiring professional that you just finished an advanced haircut class and in two months you’ll be attending a color course from a popular company, then you can and will be much more marketable by Living room. You have to be aware of the latest trends and techniques. When the salon sees that you are aware of this and are willing to keep learning, you will already have a huge advantage over the competition. In fact, another interview tip is to ask the hiring professional about future educational activities planned for the salon.

4. Be willing to help. Why should you even think about being an assistant when you’ve been through your training and are ready to go it alone? If you have your heart set on being in an exclusive salon (which will equate to higher pay, usually with higher cost of services), keep in mind that you most likely won’t be hired straight out of cosmetology school. or barbershop. Salons of this caliber usually want you to prove yourself first. No one wants to be an assistant, but you would be under the direct supervision and training of one of the best stylists in the salon and he or she will provide valuable feedback on where your talents lie and how you can improve. This is a great way to get your foot in the door and land a full-time job of your own.

5. Create a portfolio. It doesn’t have to be expensive, nor does it have to be too fancy. Gather your friends and family and take photos to show off your work and skills. If you can walk into the interview and have something to show the salon manager that highlights your talents, you’ll also have that added advantage in landing the job.

6. It’s okay to start with a string. If you’re having trouble finding a job, there’s nothing wrong with working in a fast-paced chain. No, you won’t necessarily have the chance to build a clientele or have the creative independence you would at a larger, higher-end salon, but it will keep you focused, especially in the cutting arena. You don’t want to put those scissors down and stop using them. Practice practice practice. It’s what makes you better. If you need it, this is a great first step to get you on the path to the career you want.


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