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Oregano tea, not only for better menstruation

Oregano tea is known for its effects on better menstruation, due to its multiple medicinal properties. It is an infusion that can be hot or cold and can be consumed every day without problems.

Oregano has anti-inflammatory, calming, expectorant and digestive properties, so it can contribute to the natural treatment of different health problems.

In the specific case of menstruation, it helps it come faster as well as calming the pain that frequently appears during the menstrual cycle.

Oregano tea is also used to relieve headaches and stomach aches, eliminating fluid retention and improving irritable moods, symptoms that are very common in menstruation and that can be alleviated thanks to this infusion.

It is known as an anti-inflammatory and regulator of the function of the circulatory system, thanks to its naringenin content, which is a flavonoid that has antiplatelet properties and that favors circulation, improving brain risk and improving memory.

How to prepare an oregano tea

To prepare this infusion you need a handful of fresh or dried leaves, two cups of water. Heat the water in a saucepan until it starts to boil, add the oregano leaves and keep boiling for another minute, turn off the heat and let stand. Optionally you can add honey.

Other uses of oregano tea

Oregano is a stomach stimulant and highly indicated when there is loss of appetite, slow digestion and flatulence.

For Colds: Oil of oregano can add extra protection to your immune system if used correctly. In the same way that it protects against viruses, it helps fight attacks of bacterial origin.

Promotes blood circulation: Prevents the appearance of thrombi and relieves headaches caused by poor blood supply to the brain.

According to oregano, it is antiseptic, diuretic, sudorific (helps to eliminate toxins, purifying the body). It is good against insomnia, stress and fatigue. Relieves rheumatic and joint pain, we can use it to relieve musculoskeletal pain, sciatica, arthritis, blows and rheumatism.

Fight fungi and bacteria internally and externally. Due to the fungicidal properties of oregano, it can be very effective in fighting fungal infections on the skin.

Oregano oil is also used topically for the treatment of insect bites, since it is very strong, it must be diluted with a carrier oil. It is also used to combat toothache and earache.

Help lower high cholesterol levels

It benefits the immune system and wound healing, to control obesity, glycemia in cases of diabetes and prevents colon cancer.

Due to its high vitamin A content, it prevents eye diseases, and favors the good condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

Combat respiratory problems such as throat problems, flu, laryngitis, tonsillitis, cough and asthma.


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