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Digital Optimization: Seven Ways to Keep Your B2B Digital Media on Track

Today’s business firms, marketers are never short of stakeholders suggesting new ways to leverage social media, Web 2.0, SEO/SEM, mobile apps, and all other digital tools. But what criteria do you apply to determine what is worthwhile and what is…

Powers of attorney do not prevent guardianship

A General Durable Power of Attorney (GDPOA) is often suggested as a means of avoiding guardianship or “living probate.” While such a document is an important tool in a comprehensive estate plan, the GDPOA on its own, or in conjunction…

High Fiber Foods For Natural Weight Loss As Seen On Oprah

Recently on her show, Oprah Winfrey talked to Dr. Oz about high-fiber foods for healthy eating and natural weight loss. One of the most fascinating elements of the show featured the doctor describing an experiment in which a group of…

Marketing strategy: change before you have to

Even the best marketing strategies need to be reviewed, if not revised. Changes in the market environment can drastically change your marketing mix and your product plans. Marketing strategy should be seen as a process, which means that the best…

Your Girlfriend Dumped You: Here’s How You Can Turn It Around And Get Her Back Quickly

If your girlfriend dumped you and told you that she wants to break up, you may feel lost. A part of you wants to call her and beg her to come back. But the other part of you is tired…

Eminence Law – Valuation of Temporary Construction Easements

Eminent domain is generally the government’s ability to seize private property for public purposes. It is a power granted by the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution, and it exists to ensure that the public has streets, sewers, power…

Click less and connect more

How many times have you walked into a meeting and found everyone’s head down and fingers flying? This scenario is all too familiar in our workplaces, not to mention our homes. And we have accepted it as normal. In fact,…

Soccer Shoes Guide: How To Choose The Best Soccer Shoes You Can Wear

If you are looking for the best pair of soccer shoes, here is a short guide on how to choose soccer shoes. When shopping for that perfect pair, be sure to consider not just style but comfort as well. After…

There are interesting and exciting places to see while traveling in Puerto Rico

For your next travel destination, head to the island of Puerto Rico, where you will simply enjoy the many tours that are available there for your sightseeing pleasures. There is so much to see and do while you spend your…

EB-5 Investment Visa Requirements

Question: I am going to invest $1,000,000 of the foreign investment for the EB-5 Investment Visa. I am not sure if I invested correctly for EB-5 investment visa needs. Can you help? What is authorized under current immigration laws? Answer:…