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Specific Honda motorcycle insurance for sports motorcycles

Don’t get me wrong, I love my Honda CBR1000, but statistically speaking, my type of bike is more accident prone than any other type of bike, and that means Honda motorcycle insurance is exceptionally important to me.

Known as street bikes, sport bikes, and sometimes “crotch rockets,” these bikes are designed for the track, though some never see the beats. They are incredibly powerful and many have top speeds that rival race cars. When this power exceeds the ability of the rider or traffic conditions, serious things can happen. Things that mean your Honda motorcycle insurance must be of quality and in order.

Here are some sportbike-specific factors to consider when getting your Honda motorcycle insurance policy.

If you have done any customization to the motorcycle, especially anything that has added value to the motorcycle itself, be sure to tell your Honda motorcycle insurance company. You don’t want to find out after the damage is done that your sweet new escape isn’t covered.

Modifications that affect benefits, road legality, or those that may change or affect in any way the handling or mobility of the bicycle must also be declared to the company. It’s a sad fact of the insurance claims game that if the company is going to be asked to shell out a ton of money for a claim, they will look pretty hard for any reason to deny the claim.

There is also racing insurance for those lucky enough to take part in road races or track days. Street insurance specifically excludes racing, speed tests and all that. Count on the Honda motorcycle insurance company to know about these situations. You can also get exclusive coverage for racing or track bikes. You just have to look around and ask questions.


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