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Health Fitness

Weider Crossbow Wonderful Advantage – A Complete Home Gym Solution

Today, buying a gym membership may not be the best step toward fitness for many reasons. For one thing, registration and other gym fees can be quite steep, especially if you use the facilities only occasionally. On the other hand, sometimes it can be difficult to go to the gym when the weather is bad, when you feel bad and when you need your privacy while you sweat so much.

Fortunately for us mortals who wish to combine a all-in-one home gym With an easy-to-use exercise machine, the Weider Crossbow Advantage may be the answer to our prayers. Basically, it is designed to strengthen the entire body in addition to giving it more definition (muscle tone, as we call it). Unsurprisingly, its physical exterior is such that it resembles a crossbow at the top with padded seats and adjustable weights at the bottom.

With its adjustable power bar, it offers more than 65 different exercises with 240 pounds of resistance. Imagine 65 exercises on a machine, and boredom will most likely not occur. Note that an upgrade to 440 pounds is possible especially for advanced athletes.

With its compact size, there is no need to allocate space for dumbbells and other free weights, as a 20-pound barbell corresponds to 20 dumbbells. And of course, with over 65 exercises, you are sure to target all muscle groups.

Just to name a few of the muscle groups that you can aim with Advantage of the Weider crossbow:

  • Chest – Apply incline and flat bench presses that target the pectoral muscles. For pectoral flies, simply bring your arms together to form an arch.
  • Back: Do lat pull-downs, pull-ups, seated rows, traditional overhead bicep and tricep presses, and seated shoulder presses.
  • Legs: Do standing squats to work your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Use the Leg Extension and Curl attachment to target the quads.

Since a rowing machine is included in the entire setup, cardio is also possible. In fact, Weider Crossbow Advantage allows you to perform cardio and strengthening exercises without the need to change equipment. Therefore, there is a smooth and flowing continuity in exercise programs that undoubtedly contribute to better motivation.

It is also reasonably priced at many sites and stores which, considering the many possible exercises with it, is actually more profitable. Also, the warranties are very favorable with a lifetime warranty on the crossbars.

When using the Weider Crossbow Advantage, you need to adjust the power rods to the desired resistance. You can then lie down on the cushioned seat for chest exercises, sit on the bench for leg exercises, and stand in front of him for arm exercises.

Tea Advantage of the Weider crossbow presents many opportunities for family members to perform cardio and strength exercises from the comfort of your home.


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