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What can a woman do to make a man feel like a man? 7 things that matter a lot

Men are men and typical largely unwritten laws have their say on how a man should be like a man, maybe macho, confident, smooth, etc. So if you are in a relationship and wondering how to make yourself feel like a man, here are some things you can try.

Observe and study it carefully
The most important thing to do before undertaking the task you are about to perform is to observe him carefully when he is with you, in a group, or at a social activity. Take note of the things that happen that you feel lower his confidence, it may be a comment about him, a mockery of him; basically anything you feel brings him down.

Now get to work on your readings
Now that you have done this, do something to help improve your self-esteem. And you don’t have to do it right away. If someone has said something that has shaken your confidence, write it down in your mind and at the right moment say something that makes you feel good for the very thing that put you off. It will also matter more to him because it comes from you.

A little help, even if you don’t need it.
This is something you can try to make yourself feel like a man if you ask for help with something you need to do. And I’ll tell you what, it will be even better if you can think of something that requires physical strength or endurance. It is sure to make you feel good about yourself.

Who supports the kidneys
Ok, maybe it’s you who really controls your relationship, maybe with your touch or whatever. But still, make sure you make your man feel like he’s in control of the relationship. Every man loves his dose of ego stimulants.

When in public
Now, it is not a hidden fact that everyone loves if he is praised in public or in a group of people, the same goes for your man. Show him some compliments and say nice things about him in public and see the wonders he can do. He will definitely fill up with pride and appreciate you more as well.

vice versa is also true
A bit obvious, huh? Even if you have a confrontation or some kind of disagreement in public, never make the mistake of putting him down in public. Realize that men sometimes see it as a direct attack on their manhood.

Respect their point of view.
Whenever you talk about something, be careful not to disagree with him, even if you do so at the time. Listen carefully and respectfully, and then, after a while, give your opinion without making it seem personal.


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