
The Perfect Tech Experience

Month: April 2022

Music concerts and tinnitus

Most rock stars, pop stars, rap artists, and even country and western singers like to put on more and more spectacular shows. What this means is that the lighting gets brighter and the music gets louder. This is great for…

Tourism in Texas is booming: here’s why

The United States is a country that is going through a rough patch right now, and with any period of trials and tribulations comes drops in the number of people who want to travel. Even with what appears to be…

What is the connection between a man’s ego and the size of his penis?

Women often talk about a man’s elevated ego and male chauvinism. This male chauvinism is also said to be partly related to being well-endowed. Even though women have tried and succeeded in almost every field, men still consider themselves superior…

Where did pancakes originate from?

It is very difficult to say where pancakes originated from. This food has been present on our tables for many centuries and it is quite difficult to say where it came from and when it was first made and of…

Small Business Valuation – EBITDA Vs SDE

Income, assets, and market are the three most popular approaches used to value a business. This article will focus on the different types of income used within the income methodology. Under the income approach, businesses are valued based on the…

Truck Wash Business Case Study

Smart entrepreneurs often look for businesses out of the way, things out of the ordinary but businesses, that have a good customer base and stable income. This is an extremely interesting story. He had always considered mobile truck wash efforts…

SEO – Search Engine Tools

SEO software is a great tool for the SEO handicapped web designer and builder. SEO software is designed to streamline the process of achieving a top-notch website. SEO software is software that will help you create well-optimized pages. SEO software…

how my horse was stolen

Today I decided to share something personal. I want to tell you a story of how I managed to get my first horse before I was thirteen and then how it was stolen from me a few months later. I…

MLM Opportunity Finder – Qivana Products – Are They Worth It? – A review

Alright, all of you MLM opportunity seekers looking for a network marketing company, or you guys who are already in an MLM but may be looking for something better… Here’s the product scoop on Qivana, one of the new guys…

How to book a vacation rental home

While there is an increasing abundance of options when it comes to booking a vacation home, many travelers still find the rental market to be a bit chaotic, at least when compared to more traditional accommodations like hotels/motels. The growing…