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Tourism in Texas is booming: here’s why

The United States is a country that is going through a rough patch right now, and with any period of trials and tribulations comes drops in the number of people who want to travel. Even with what appears to be a lack of enthusiasm for travel in this great country, Texas tourism seems to be weathering the storm better than even the most grizzled travel experts could have predicted. The question is simple: why? How is it that the Lone Star State can maintain a steady flow of travelers across its borders when other states are experiencing lulls?

It’s best to think of the Texas tourism boom as more than just a blip. In fact, the campaign to make Texas a prime destination for those outside the towers has been in full swing since the 1960s. At the time, Texas was seen as nothing more than a relic of the Old West, and It certainly didn’t help that there was a presidential assassination in Dallas in 1963. Times were tough for the state, and even its own residents were looking for Greener Pastures.

Eventually, an organization called the Texas Tourism Development Agency was created for the sole purpose of making Texas look like a place to be. With just over $100,000 in the mid-1960s, the agency went to work. By 1970, tourism figures had begun to skyrocket and revenues had exceeded $1 billion.

The agency has since been swallowed up by other state government offices, but Texas’ tourism boom is still holding steady, and when you step back and look at things, you can understand why. For starters, Texas is very business-friendly. The generous tax exemptions and subsidies have attracted some of the biggest brands on the national and international scene. This migration of companies to Texas has certainly left its mark. For example, in the past decade, the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan complex was second only to New York City in terms of the amount of retail, warehouse, office, and rental space construction. Real estate, retail and economics experts not only noted the historic length of the boom in Dallas/Fort Worth, but also agreed that there won’t be a slowdown any time soon.

The jump in businesses making Texas their home has meant better job numbers for residents and non-residents alike. Rising employment numbers also often have a positive impact on retail markets.

Perhaps the clearest reason Texas ranks so high on the list of satisfying places to visit or call home is that no matter where you are, you can always find a hidden gem of a city with plenty of hospitality and charm to offer. . Moreover, you’re not really more than a day-trip’s distance from the major cities of Texas (eg, Dallas, Austin, Houston, San Antonio), and with hundreds of thousands of miles of roadways, Texas is the ultimate road-trip destination.

Texas tourism is certainly experiencing a new boom age, but in reality, the Lone Star State has been on the rise for the better part of the last six decades. All this means for you and your family that when you decide to visit, you will arrive on time.


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