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3 ways to keep up with the news without losing your mind

If you’re like me, logging into Facebook or reading the news can be emotionally upsetting. Depending on the news, it can even become an anxiety trigger. In is worse; it can alter my energy and change the course of my day because of how it affects me.

I am happy to be a sensitive person who feels things deeply. I think this is a good life experience and I would never change it. However, for those of you who are open and sensitive like me, you know how sometimes the truth of something can hit you with such a deep chord that there is no other appropriate response than pain and tears.

It is important to keep abreast of current events. It is valuable to know what is happening in the world and to get involved and let your voice be heard on issues that are important to you. However, it is also imperative to keep your own health and wellness at the forefront of your care.

Here are 3 things I do to help keep my feet on the ground and vibrate at a high level (even while keeping up to date on what’s going on in our world).

Set a timer

It’s easy with social media and cell phones in our pockets to be constantly bombarded with news. We must decide what amount of contributions is optimal for our health and well-being on a daily basis. Checking our phones every 30 minutes won’t change the world or what’s going on in it, but it will change you.

For me, during the week, my maximum news / social media saturation is about 45 minutes. I usually check in with the world in the morning for about 30 minutes, and then some days I check in again in the late afternoon for 10-15 minutes.

I am also a strong believer in fasting. News and fasting on social media, that is. It is important to go a whole day, or even a whole weekend, without logging into social media or reading news on the computer. We all have people and experiences in our lives that are more important than our screens (news and social media). I recommend looking at how you spend your time and making sure the time you spend with each experience is aligned with how important that experience or person is to you in your life. For example, if I act unconsciously, I can easily spend more time on Facebook than with my husband. Because my husband is so much more important to me than Facebook, I find more joy, love, and connection when I live mindfully and prioritize appropriately.

Each of us has a natural wisdom, and when we constantly put things in, we don’t allow time for that wisdom to come out. Also, when we read things that cause us stress, our body fills up with the stress hormone cortisol.

Christopher Bergland says: “Scientists have known for years that elevated cortisol levels: interfere with learning and memory, decrease immune function and bone density, increase weight gain, blood pressure, cholesterol, disease Cardiac … The list goes on and on. Chronic stress and elevated cortisol levels also increase the risk of depression, mental illness and shortened life expectancy. “

On a daily basis I witness how difficult it is for my clients to use their phones and computers with intent. I understand that for some (many) people self-control over how often they ‘log in’ is a challenge. However, when most people allow it to really take in how it is affecting their health, it becomes obvious that you have to be monitored for your self-control.

Choose the time of day you participate

It is very important to choose the time of day when you will read news and social networks. It’s not wise to stress out just before going to work, having dinner with your family, getting into bed, or participating in a creative process. Knowing that you can see or read something that will create an emotional response in you, you must choose the best time to expose yourself to that input.

I like to interact with the news and social media in the morning before exercising. Nothing helps me manage my stress better than exercise and nature. If the news in my feed wakes me up emotionally and then I go for a run outside, I can go back and start my work day with solid, positive energy. If I read the news until the moment I start my workday, it will be difficult for me to maintain space, think clearly or be creative.

If I “hook up” in the afternoon, I’ll try to cushion that by sitting on my porch appreciating nature for 5 minutes, or having a one-person dance party. In this way I make sure that when I enter the last part of my day, which for me is dinner and time with my family, I can be fully present with them and experience the depth and breadth of my capacity for joy.

Final we have a positive note

I enjoy having a list of websites, songs, videos, stories, and poems that raise my vibration and leave me feeling optimistic, positive, and hopeful about our world. It’s easy to be saturated with negatives, but there is an equal (if not greater) amount of positives. People help each other, are kind to each other, give themselves and care about animals and nature. Allow yourself to witness it and be inspired by it. Take care to gain perspective and see the big picture so that your focus (thoughts and feelings) does not become the negative of our world. Taking a few minutes to end on a positive note is like having a mint after dinner. Leave your brain with a fresh and sweet palate.


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