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Health Fitness

5 signs of a slow metabolism and tricks to fix it

Wondering why the pounds keep piling on? You could be experiencing a slow metabolism.

Metabolism is the process by which your body burns stored fuel (including fat) to use as energy. When your body burns more fuel, you trim less. So if you’ve been busy at the gym, eating right but can’t seem to see results, you might want to check if you have a slow metabolism.

A thyroid problem. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can cause you to lose or gain weight even if you don’t try to. People suffering from thyroid problems may also experience dry skin.

Unexplained weight gain and trouble losing it. The most common sign of a slow metabolism. Even if you eat healthy and exercise or train regularly, you still pack on the pounds. And the most annoying part is that you have trouble keeping it off. While age can play a factor in retaining the pound and having trouble losing weight, it doesn’t happen in an instant.

You always feel tired. A slow energy burn means your body’s functions slow down as well, keeping you tired and sluggish.

Sadness and depression. Mood changes as your bodily functions slow down. Sadness and depression can sink.

You feel cold all the time. Blood circulation can also slow down, along with decreased energy burning and supply, making you feel colder than normal.

However, don’t lose hope. Although the metabolism slows down as we age, there are ways to reactivate it.

  1. Visit your doctor. If you suspect thyroidism, early diagnosis can help counteract the effects and lessen the damage. Also, a check-up will show possible lingering illnesses, be it thyroidism, which you need to correct.
  2. Diversify your training. The routine can make you obsolete, the same goes for your training. You may not be experiencing results because your body needs a better challenge. Change your exercise sets and routine every four weeks. It may be a different exercise or workout, but it targets the same muscle groups. If you have some free time, you can cross the train. This gives your body a different kind of challenge while also giving it plenty of time to recover.
  3. Stay healthy but try other foods. If you eat healthy, then keep it that way. But try other healthy foods to help diversify your diet. Add spice, literally, to your food. Spicy foods help stimulate metabolism.
  4. Get enough sleep. Not only do your reflexes and brain slow down when you don’t get enough rest, but so does your digestive system. Therefore, your metabolic rate slows down and instead of burning fat, your body cannot cope with what it stores. Get seven to eight hours of sleep a night regularly. If you get the chance, don’t skimp on naps too. However, do not fall asleep. Some people who sleep 10 hours or more tend to get lazy.


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