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50K South of Woop Woop – 5 Tips for Living in the Middle of Nowhere

Have you ever felt like you live in the middle of nowhere? Consider those who live within 120 miles of a discount retail chain. These places still exist, especially in some of the larger western states like Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Eastern Washington, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico. For those who live in a larger metropolis, I know there are challenges like traffic on the way to work. However, some of us like myself actually live 50K south of Woop Woop, an Australian slang phrase meaning, in the middle of nowhere. After 18 years, I have learned some tips for surviving in this place where there is only one chain of grocery stores, expensive buffets for tourists who come to play the computerized machines, and a few small retail businesses.

With the current economic climate, you may find yourself relocated to a quite different place than you’re used to. Here are some things to keep in mind.

one. Plan ahead.When you live far from easily accessible resources, look at your calendar and identify when it’s most strategic to take a trip into town. Research the things you want to buy or do on the Internet. When possible, use the Internet to shop and have things delivered to your door; this saves a lot of time and energy (the shipping cost is worth it). Think about events that may be happening 4 weeks from now. Make a list of what you may need so a last-minute purchase doesn’t cost you more than you can afford (and the cost may not be financial, but your time and energy).

two. List the benefits. Sometimes living in an isolated place can be frustrating. For example, most of the time you are unable to attend a college play when you find out about the event the day before. So when things like this happen, it can be helpful to write down the benefits of living 50K south of Woop Woop. In my case, my husband has a rewarding job that has financial benefits for our family goals. I recognize that many households have both adults working full time just to make life work financially. I have the privilege of working part time in my own company. Being grateful for things of this nature helps during those times when you wish you lived anywhere but here.

3. Enjoy your moments in the city. When you take a trip to the city, have a plan that will keep you sane. Consider which locations you can accomplish the most. Learn where you can give your kids a place to release their energy or stress, like a public park.

Four. Invite friends to a retreat. What becomes common and ordinary for you has a different kind of amazing for others. Consider inviting a friend to visit with the idea that you can provide a place of rest. A couple of things happen: you are able to give yourself to someone you care about and it comes back to you. And your friend enjoys healthy fun from his routine.

5. reframe your thinking. In other words, when the thought “I can’t stand being in this place” occurs, take some kind of action to change that thought. This is probably the hardest thing to do, and yet the most valuable thing you can do for yourself. No one action works for everyone, so space doesn’t allow me to give suggestions on what will work for you. So, take some time to think about how to reframe your thinking when you’re in a good mood, or email me for suggestions.

As a teenager, driving 120 miles to attend a special event seemed like a thousand miles. Now, driving two hours to a discount retail store is the norm. I find audiobooks to be fabulous. It makes time for a conversation with my children or husband without other distractions. My daughter can read for long periods of time while she is riding in the car. We also appreciate the diverse resources of a city, such as museums, great libraries, and of course entertainment venues. Trying out a new restaurant is an adventure, and we have plenty of opportunities for Dad to surprise us with a new place to explore.

It is possible to live in the middle of nowhere!


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