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7 Six Pack Abs Tips to Build Muscle Fast

Many women find that the most attractive part of the male body is the beautiful definition of six pack abs. Ripped abs are not only sexy, they are a symbol of a fit and healthy man.

Women are instinctively attracted to physically fit men. So it’s no wonder that in every gym you see men of all ages religiously doing crunches, leg raises and crunches in hopes of getting those much coveted six pack abs. Unfortunately, most men will never get to see their finely defined abdominal muscles because they tend to sabotage their progress.

The seven tips below will ensure you don’t become your own worst enemy in your quest for ripped abs:

1. Avoid fast-digesting carbohydrates. Fast carbs increase insulin, which stops fat burning and increases fat storage, particularly in the upper abs. Carbs to avoid our white bread, white potatoes, regular soda, sports drinks, table sugar, etc. Instead, choose whole-grain, rye, or sourdough breads, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, fruits, vegetables, quinoa, legumes, and brown rice. One exception: You can eat fast-digesting carbs right after workouts when they’ll go to work fueling recovery and muscle growth.

2. Include isometrics. I like to refer to this as the abdominal vacuum. Essentially, this means flexing your abs and holding that position. To do this, tense each muscle for 6 to 10 seconds and then relax for 6 to 10 seconds. Repeat for 10-20 sets. This is a great way to work out your abs while sitting in your car, on your couch, or at your desk.

3. Remember to breathe. When performing an abdominal exercise such as a crunch, exhale when you reach the top or bottom position. This is important because it helps you contract your abs better. Holding the position for a second or two will maximize muscle fiber engagement.

4. Don’t stop. Typically, you train in specific rep ranges, like 8-10 or 12-15 reps per set. However, when doing bodyweight crunches, you can’t modify the weight to match a predetermined number of reps. So instead of doing crunches or hanging leg raises for a set number of reps, do as many reps as possible until you’re close to failure.

5. Use weights. The abdominal muscles are like the biceps, so they need definition and separation to stand out. Include some weighted movements in the 8-10 rep range for optimal abdominal development.

6. Don’t do sit-ups first. The abdominals, obliques, and transversus abdominis work together to stabilize the core, allowing you to produce greater force. Training your abs first fatigues them, which decreases your core stability and weakens your core, as well as your ability to generate force. Therefore, you should end your workout with an abdominal workout to ensure optimal performance in other areas of your workout.

7. Train your abs at different speeds. When performing ab routines, change the speed of your repetitions from slow and controlled to fast and explosive, which will allow you to use more fast-twitch muscle fibers to build more power, strength, and size. Fast reps will help recruit more muscle fibers in your midsection and turn the contraction, which targets the rectus abdominis, into an effective oblique exercise.

Ladies love hard bodies. These tips for six pack abs will help you lose belly fat and show off your six pack abs with a slim waist. Click the link below for additional free tips on how to build an efficient and efficient attraction machine.


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