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How to use creative visualization to overcome writer’s block

If you are feeling stuck in your creativity or feeling lost on how to move forward with your writing (writers block), creative visualization can be a useful tool for you.

Creative visualization has been popularized by “The Secret” and the Law of Attraction. But writers and poets can also use this technique to overcome writer’s block and unlock the main purpose of their writing.

How Creative Visualization Works

Creative visualization is simply having an imaginary view of yourself at a particular moment in time. Creative visualization works because the subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between imagination and reality, so the subconscious assumes that this imaginary image is real and strives to recreate the experience.

How to use creative visualization for writer’s block

If you have a writers block, you can visualize yourself having fun writing or visualize yourself writing from a place of calm and inspiration.

To make the vision come true, envision your life after writer’s block has been overcome.

Feel the finished book or article in your hands and feel gratitude (any doubts go against you) and the ease with which they happened.

It takes an enormous amount of energy to change our thoughts, which is why it is so difficult for us to consciously overcome our fears, no matter how often we tell ourselves that there is nothing to fear.

The truth is that the answers are already within us, but because we are so busy focused on everything we do not want, we are actually missing them.

Before using creative visualization you have to decide what it is you want or want to change as a writer and then visualize what your life will be like once this wish or wish has been fulfilled.

For creative visualization to work, you need to have a strong desire, and you need to visualize the result you want every day for a few minutes.

The physical manifestation: a vision board

A vision board is pretty simple to create: cut out magazine pictures of the things you want to accomplish, the awards you want to win as a writer, and paste them onto a large board.

You can also use a vision board to help them create new stories by posting pictures of places, characters, and themes that they would like the story to have and convey.

Hang the board where you can see it every day and watch what happens over time.

How do you overcome writer’s block?


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