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How is Google search changing us?

Typing on Google and searching for things has never been easier. Have you ever wondered how it is changing us? Read on for information.

For example, we want to look up the meaning of a word or find synonyms for that word. We can find the answer in a matter of a few clicks. In the old days, when the web wasn’t there, we’d have to turn the pages of a dictionary and find the word we were looking for that matched the early alphabets.

A Google search, in this case, has certainly made it easier. We are too reluctant and lazy nowadays to consult a solid dictionary when Google is so helpful.

We can also find relevant information for research in the niche that interests us. We can find new sites and bookmark them for future reference. All this information can be retrieved in Google clicks.

However, not all information on the web corresponding to a Google search can be 100% relevant and accurate. In that case we may have to buy books and consult them. So for short runs, it’s fine and we can take it. But if we’re writing a thesis, research paper, article, or report, this is where solid books come into the picture.

Not all Google searches give the answer we are looking for. Sometimes we fall into a loop, continually clicking and wasting time when the information can be found correctly in catalogs or in our office library.

Free forums are available on the web and a Google search can allow us to discover them. I think it’s good to check the forums to get much needed information. This may be related to scheduling issues or other issues. If they are popular, you get good solutions for your problems from gurus or experts on those forums.

Fiction eBooks are also useful on many free sites. Instead of spending money on fictions, you can download good fiction eBooks from the sites and these sites you can find on Google.

The advantages of a Google search have made our lives much simpler, easier and more convenient by allowing us to access the required information at a fast pace. But for long-term commitments that, as I’ve explained before, Google searches just waste our time without giving us the information we need, and in that case, it’s more reliable for us to consult a library.


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