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Health Fitness

Acid Reflux: Is GERD an Inherited Disease?

The question of whether acid reflux is an inherited condition has not been investigated.
very often. However, specialists have concluded that genetically speaking the
The chances of contracting this disease by heredity can represent 50% of the
patients have also concluded so far that the other 50% is due to diet.

Of all the digestive diseases in the world, acid reflux is considered the
more common. It is estimated that almost 1 in 5 people suffer from acid
regurgitated in the mouth and esophagus and/or heartburn. is also known
that a regular cycle of acid reflux occurrences gives people a higher risk of
have esophageal cancer.

In July 2003, scientists conducted studies with 2,000 pairs of non-identical and
identical twins, and found that 43% of the total suffered frequent
gastrointestinal symptoms and the chances of them developing acid reflux, were
they suffer or would suffer due to hereditary genetics. However, if the acid
reflux is hereditary or not, there are other main causes. It’s known that
there are a minimum of ten possible considerations.

Coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages represent the first possible
cause. These trigger problems by relaxing the digestive system and letting the
stomach contents to regurgitate into the esophagus.

The second possibility is chocolate that contains known amounts of theobromine.

This can relax the esophageal sphincter, allowing stomach acid to spurt back up.
in the esophagus.

Fatty and fried foods are another possible culprit. These foods remain in the
stomach much longer and reduce the speed of digestion. This causes
excessive filling of the stomach and the risk of regurgitation of food.

Tomatoes and foods that contain tomatoes can also cause acid reflux. Again,
tomatoes and the like will relax the digestive system.

Alcohol helps increase the amount of acid in the stomach. it also relaxes
the digestive system, considerably increases the risks.

Another troublemaker is smoking. As the chemicals from the cigarette enter the lungs
and blood, also impede the ability of the digestive system and
esophagus to function properly.

The size of the meals is a critical factor. A meal that is too large fills the stomach and
it can prevent the esophageal (lower) sphincter from closing. Again, the possibility of
increases regurgitation of food into the esophagus.

Citrus juices and fruits can relax the lower esophageal sphincter. also can
add more acid to the stomach.

Eating food in the few hours before bedtime is a definite trigger.
Once you go to bed with a full stomach, the pressure increases in the lower
esophageal sphincter.

Finally, tight clothing and belts can impede digestion. Anything that
puts pressure on the abdominal area will do the same with the stomach. this will
force food out of the stomach and into the esophagus.


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