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Animal Hospice Care

Our pets are members of the family, and as such, it is not only our job to care for them when they are young and healthy, but also when they are at the end of their lives. Whether due to illness, old age, or both, our pets trust us to keep them pain-free and to know when to help them say goodbye.

Animal hospice care has come a long way in the last decade or so. More and more people see the need to keep their pets comfortable in their last few days and to be compassionate in their care.

The most effective animal hospice care occurs when done in conjunction with the pet owner and veterinarian, and if possible with an uninvolved third party. As pet owners, we can confuse our need to keep our wonderful companions alive for as long as we can with what is best for the animal. By staying in close contact with a veterinarian they can better assess the quality of life of our pets and help us make the right decisions when necessary. A third party can also provide an unbiased opinion based on both the medical data and the wishes of the pet owner.

Animal hospice care involves keeping an animal comfortable, pain-free, and enjoying life for as long as possible. It may require the use of medications and therapies, but it is not intended to cure. Hospice care will most likely take place in the animal’s home, although some veterinarians may also take on this role. By keeping the animal in its own environment, it would be easier for both the animal and the owner as they can be together as much as possible.

When your animal is in hospice care, it can be a very difficult time emotionally for everyone. Anticipating the death of your beloved pet is difficult and emotions run high. It’s hard to think straight right now, but remember that your pet is counting on you to make the right decisions for him or her. Whether or not to believe in euthanasia is a personal choice and you will have to think about it when the time comes. If your pet’s suffering becomes too great, it may be the last gift you can give.

Animal hospice care is becoming widely recognized and most veterinarians are on board with their patients providing hospice care for their animals. If you have a pet, plan ahead for the last few years of its life so you don’t have to make decisions at a time of extreme sadness and stress.


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