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Antivirus for mobile phones: which antivirus software for my smartphone?

Not many people know that they can protect their mobile phone with antivirus software. And that’s partly because antivirus software is associated with computers and protects them from online threats. But things have changed in recent years, and mobile phone security is now a hot topic in the security industry and the press.

Mobile phones now do almost everything that computers do. And that includes going online, shopping, banking, paying bills, sending email, reading spreadsheets, and more. And this is made much easier with smartphones that have larger screens, faster processing speeds, operating systems, and a host of other features and tools that allow easy access to the Internet. And the addition of apps to iPhones and Android phones has revolutionized the mobile world and brought the personal computer to near extinction.

But smartphones have brought with them a new set of threats. And some of these threats are run by seemingly genuine companies that fleece millions of customers each year.

Mobile phone threats

A common and growing threat is unauthorized app downloads. These programs charge you a small fee to download the app to your smartphone and compromise the security of your phone. They then study all your online activity and steal your personal information like bank details, usernames and passwords.

Recent research from Get Safe Online shows that 17% of smartphone users now use their devices to manage their money and this has not escaped the attention of criminals. And AVG research shows that a fifth of smartphone users download new apps at least once a month. And all this activity is driving cyberbrooks to target mobile users.

Smartphones are now widely used for social networking and users can use these services wherever they are. Many of the threats that affect PC users using social sites now also affect mobile users, and many have fallen victim to phishing attacks.

Mobile phone security software

Mobile phone security is essential and you should download a good mobile phone antivirus software program. We recommend you opt for Kaspersky Mobile Security, which protects your mobile privacy and now works with Android and Blackberry smartphones.

Kaspersky is a leading security company with a good track record in protecting PCs, Macs, mobile phones, and corporate systems. And it offers multiple protection services at very low prices.

With Kaspersky Mobile Security you get protection when making calls, sending SMS, browsing the web and communicating through social sites every day. So basically it protects everything you do on your own and keeps your private life, private.

It has many other good features; and one of them is the ability to locate a lost or stolen Smartphone. It does this through its built-in GPS finder feature that pinpoints your precise location.

It also has parental controls that you use to restrict calls and texts from your kids and keep track of their whereabouts using the GPS finder feature.


In addition to mobile phone antivirus software, we recommend that you take other measures such as:

  1. Turn off your mobile phone when you are not using it to prevent hackers from accessing it.
  2. Never use a free Wi-Fi hotspot that is not secure. This could be used by hackers to gain access to your smartphone
  3. Check your battery regularly to make sure it isn’t draining faster than normal. If so, then it is a sign that something malicious is running in the background.

So with these simple tips and your mobile phone antivirus software, you will easily block malware threats and hackers on your mobile phone.


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