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Author Interview – Shayn Cutino

Shayn Cutino, Anja Wellness, is a hypnotherapist, author, and speaker and works in a therapeutic capacity with clients of all ages. She is a highly sought-after speaker for schools, community groups, and hospitals. Continuing her education, Shayn was certified through CIHAS as a clinical hypnotherapist and graduated with honors from the Global College of Natural Medicine, where he received his certification as a holistic health practitioner.

Shayn Cutino is a contributing co-author of “101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health.” a new book created by founder and owner David Riklan of Self Improvement Online, Inc. This book is a compilation of 101 leading experts with proven strategies and trusted, proven ways to become a healthier person.

Carma: How did Anja’s name come up for your business?

Shayn: Anja is a Sanskrit word that means all wise and intuitive. As a clinical hypnotherapist, I use my intuition a lot when dealing with my clients. The name resonated with me and the best part was that it started with A, which for marketing purposes puts me at the top of the food chain.

Carma: What are your writing habits? Do you work on an outline before starting the real story?

Shayn: My writing habits are random. I make an outline, but it is generally very approximate. I always ask myself the basic questions of who, what, when, where, why and how when I write. My frustration lies in believing that I have completed a project and then when I go back to it it seems incomplete.

Carma: How did you set yourself the task of promoting your articles and presentations?

Shayn: I use my website and local publications to promote myself. I also send a monthly ezine to my entire database announcing upcoming events.

Carma: Your current CD series was created to help people unlock what gets in their way in life. Do you find one more popular than the other?

Shayn: Yes, I have a lot of requests for deep relaxation and stress reduction CDs. Our world moves so fast now that most of us have the impression that we never have enough time. Taking time to slow your breathing and relax your body is key to staying healthy and grounded in this fast-paced society.

Carma: What do teens want to learn most about you?

Shayn: I have done numerous presentations at local high schools and most teens are simply fascinated with hypnosis in general. When I give a presentation I include a sample of hypnosis and most of them love the experience and are very receptive to it. When it comes to my teenage clientele, most of those kids seek confidence in their athletic abilities, overcoming exam anxieties and reducing fear and phobia.

Carma: Tell us about your new book. What inspired you to write it?

Shayn: I am very excited about my new book, which I anticipate having finished in July 2008. Without giving away the shop, I feel there is a great need for this type of book. I believe that the subject is one that each of us struggles with at some point and time in our lives and I feel that this book will help literally thousands of people. I was inspired to write this book because of my own life experiences, and then when I opened my practice, I began to notice a pattern with my clients. We all have a common thread and this is what I will discuss in my next book. I think this is something that I was meant to deliver to the world and I’m really excited about the project.

Carma: Have you ever suffered from writer’s block? What seems to work to unleash your creativity?

Shayn: Wow, that’s an understatement! Do I suffer from writer’s block … absolutely! What generally helps me is stepping away from the project and just letting it sit. Then I ponder and reflect on what I want to achieve and ask for answers and guidance to help me move forward. This job is very good for me.

Carma: As a therapist, you are always helping others to move on with their lives. What is the biggest challenge you have faced?

Shayn: Detachment. As I mentioned earlier, I use my intuitive skills a lot in the session and my feelings are very strong. When faced with a customer who walks in and literally knocks on my door, I need to let him vent, help him, and then let him go. I think all therapists have this struggle because we are dealing with people’s emotions and making them relive experiences, both good and bad and sad.

Carma: What kind of books did you read as a child?

Shayn: My favorite readings were the Little Women and Nancy Drew books.

Carma: What is the most important success lesson you have learned?

Shayn: Success comes from perseverance. You can simply never give up. You must remain diligent and passionate about what you do.

Thank you Shayn for taking the time to answer these questions today.

To add to the mix, Shayn is a professional speaker and is available to provide a variety of workshops and presentation topics for your group or school.


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