
The Perfect Tech Experience


Being busy or productive?

What’s the difference between being busy and being productive? Big difference. When you are busy, most of the time you will feel drained, trapped, mentally and emotionally tangled up, and often shuffling through the mud as you do so. That is why it “feels” busy. On the other hand, being productive includes doing the things that matter to you first. Learning how to do one thing well and effectively beats multitasking and yields mediocre results out of the many things you “have to do” but are bothered to do hundreds of times. Knowing how to prioritize and eliminate tasks and people that will consume a large part of your energy is essential.

For most, they are often tied to obligations and responsibilities that make them feel like they have no other choice. It is familiar? You simply resign yourself to your terrible fate, known as “Life” to you. You feel like it’s a chore. But who doesn’t have important things to do during the day? We all have our fair share on our plates. Even retirees can’t help but feel unproductive if they don’t prioritize their activities for the day! You can still put off simple decisions, sit back and watch TV all day, listen to the media list with a hundred and one things about how the world is turning to dust, and broadcast the worst to come.

News is a business unto itself designed to scare and arouse strong provocative emotions and unfortunately they often head towards the worst possible scenarios and maybe once on a blue moon you would see them broadcasting something positive. Do you want to be informed? Grab a book or even articles online and watch the news chronically. You may not be able to control your surroundings all the time at your beck and call once you leave the house, to accomplish all the designated tasks on your schedules, but you can definitely choose how you want to start your day when you are in your own “space.” safe “at home. It prepares you for the battle that you get to “fight” throughout the day. But it doesn’t have to be a struggle and a pain. You can prepare in advance.

Get up an hour early and read a motivational book or article for half an hour, or meditate for about 20 minutes with relaxing music. If you are an active and restless person, even better! Exercise and get your physical and mental mind in gear no matter what type of exercise you choose, keep it short so you don’t waste all your energy. The main objective is to refuel and not consume. The remaining half hour, take a nice cold shower. With just 1 hour of effort every day, and you do it consistently, you’ll find yourself charged and ready for whatever gets installed in the future. Your world is going to be your oyster and there will be no mountains that are too high, nor rivers that are too wide for you to get where you want to go and achieve it.

Of course, how you end your day is extremely crucial and what you do before going to bed puts you in the right place and time for the next best option when you open your eyes the next day. You can still apply the same methods in the last hour of your day before closing your eyes. Read something affirmative in a positive way, release thoughts of resistance in your head, and ease your mind. You can also allow your body to release tension through movement and do some light stretching. When you are kind to your body, it means that you are being kind to yourself. You’ll fall asleep in no time and end on a good note. Quality sleep is the key to starting the next day. Produce quality results from anything and everything you are going to do in your next moment.

Feeling and being productive is the most satisfying end result in the world. Not only did he complete his tasks, he did it well and produced results that would be of great value to others. Be it a service, a sale, a speech, a writing, everything is translated very clearly and proportionally with your state of mind before proceeding to attempt that task. If you are going to produce zero value for others or yourself, learn to say “NO” and weed your garden slowly but surely. Everything requires patience to cultivate and develop. Especially good habits and thoughts.

If there were an instrument that could measure the value you have placed on this world today or simply by yourself, how much weight does your personal worth have? If you’re going to be half-hearted about it, it’s better to whip it out yourself than to produce a half-baked cake that no one wants to eat and no one can digest. Just ask yourself that whenever you do something for yourself or for others, you will never stray too far from exceeding expectations and raising standards in whatever you do in life.


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