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Beyond Reiki

This article will provide you with information on what Reiki really is. Where does Reiki come from and what can you do with it?

Reiki is an energy based healing system or at least it started as such. Rei means Universal and Ki means energy. Universal Energy is the direct translation of Reiki. This energy could be channeled to anyone who wishes to enjoy its benefits. All you need to channel Reiki is an attunement from a teacher/teacher. Today USUI Reiki or traditional Reiki is not the only source and guide of this amazing energy. No one really knows where Reiki comes from. Some say that it comes from a goddess who made it part of the human DNA and today everyone, through an attunement, can access the energy source.

You can believe what you want, but know that all energy, no matter what kind, comes from God. There is a source and many ideas. When you channel the energy, it will blend into your life giving you benefits that you may not see, but will be present slowly changing your life in surprising directions.

As I said before, Reiki started out as a healing system and many just want the energy for someone who is sick and it greatly recovers them by giving them everything their body needs. To give you an idea of ​​what really happens, I will tell you a law that is not universal. It means that in a different dimension it may not apply. But now and here in the physical dimension it is. The law says that all matter can be converted into energy and therefore all energy can be mixed and converted into matter. This law is the mass-energy equivalence and the first one who really said it was Einstein.

By that law and by all means you are Light and by that law you can become anything you want because you are the creator of your own experience. If you want something to happen, it will happen because you provide it with energy and it comes into your life by another law called the law of attraction. The law of attraction, on the other hand, is a universal law. However, now in this article I am not going to cover that law.

I would just like to give you an idea of ​​how you can use Reiki. It’s a simple system that I’ve been working on for some time. It is a chain of causes that brings your awareness to the matter that you wish to accomplish or call into your life experience.

The technique you need to know is called visualization. Perhaps for many of you visualization is nothing new. All you need is your imagination. Just imagine and by doing this you are visualizing. Let’s say you’re on the highway and the traffic is too high. Time is against you and you want to get somewhere on time, but the traffic is preventing you. You are telling yourself how all these traffic lights are preventing you from reaching your goal and how these cars in front of you don’t want to let you move on the right path to your goal. In fact, you are wishing that everything stays that way, even without wanting it. You are attracting this experience to stay that way and therefore soon you will be late for work, an appointment or whatever you are going to do. Time pushes you slowly and if you use the system I’m going to tell you about, you’ll just watch everything disappear. The traffic lights smile green at you and everyone else lets you go as you let go of all the experiences that prevent you from reaching your goal on time.

It’s time to keep going forward. You are reading this, so there is no better time for you than now. Everything is going to happen for you when you want it to happen and why not now? If not when?

Clearly visualize your goal as soon you are about to reach it. Put it on the steps. The first step is always you. You have to do what you want but starting with you. You are the beginning and the end always. Starting from yourself, visualize the path letting yourself go. This will be step two since you are the first step. Your final destination will be step 3: a park, your workplace… visualize it! . And then you have to re-visualize the path which is now step 4 and you which is now step 5. You need to get to that final destination on time, so you want to keep visualizing these steps.

These steps are now real because you want them to be, but they cannot enter your experience. You need to allow them. To make them vivid and allow them, you need to energize them right now when you are seeing them vividly in your mind. While observing all these steps, send Reiki. Watch them arrive one by one making them shine on your near future. It will be as if a powerful light unites all the steps and finally ends you. This is the point where you allow it to happen and Reiki called by your intention will help you on your way like a true friend who smiles at you. You are finally there seeing your goal completed.

In fact, you can do all of that without Reiki, but having Reiki will help you, as the energy will break through all boundaries, all boundaries that are there to prevent you from reaching your goal. You won’t even need to let go of what’s holding you back. Reiki, when strong enough, brought to you through intention, will energize your way by pushing and breaking anything that can stop you.

Now let’s say it all again. You have a goal. You visualize it in steps that begin and end with yourself. So you energize that path of causes by having the effect of achieving your goal.

Many people just want to want something like having money, for example. I was also on that path. And now I will tell you a story of how I did it. I love photography and wanted to make a website for it. That’s why I made this simple website with galleries and articles: [http://photography.12gbfree.com/]. There I add what I like. I’m still adding stuff. I told myself that I need to have something on there that will make me profitable and so I put up some links to others using AdSense. Nowadays, you can see things like different software products on my website that tell people about many things that they may need if they are interested in photography. Like, for example, Adobe Lightroom, which I’m very happy to use.

Then I start to visualize. I started as usual with myself and then moved on to the internet, my website, Google AdSense and everything else out there and finally finished it all with myself. This put me in a circle which I energized using Kundalini Reiki. Yes, I used a Reiki system that is not traditional. You can use any power system you want. The key is proper visualization and proper energy transfer. You don’t need complicated shapes. Just a few steps towards your goal energized by your personal energy system, which could even be one created by you, as God is always there for everyone who wants to reach him no matter the path.

May there always be Love and Light around you!


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