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Can Acid Reflux Cause Weight Gain?

I wouldn’t necessarily say that acid reflux causes weight gain, but I would say that there are foods that most people eat every day for years that cause acid reflux and weight gain.

So it may seem like acid reflux is causing your weight gain, but in reality, eating the wrong foods and combinations of foods can cause weight gain and acid reflux at the same time.

Just to give you a simple example of foods that give me acid reflux, and are known to cause weight gain, would be white sugar and white bread. There are many other foods, but let me explain these two and how they both cause acid reflux and weight gain.

White sugar makes your body too acidic. Your body will sometimes store excess acids in fat cells to protect your vital organs. This is one way it makes you store fat.

Another way it makes you store fat is that it raises your insulin levels and you start storing fat. Too much sugar is also a factor in diabetes.

White flour also causes your insulin to spike just like white sugar does, but white flour also clogs the filter in your intestines that is supposed to absorb nutrients.

Too much bread and sugar are known to cause weight gain. This is fairly well accepted as true by the general population.

I met this guy who opened a pizzeria. It was normal size. After a few years of eating pizza and soda all day, he gained a lot of weight. He eventually sold the store, then slimmed down.

Bread and cheese cause constipation. If you’re constipated and eat a lot of sugar, the extra calories can’t even leave your body because the way out is physically obstructed.

Constipation can lead to excess toxicity, because toxins are not eliminated properly, which can lead to acne and many other health problems.

The calories from sugar have nowhere to go but to be stored in fat cells. Sugar is also causing other foods in the body to not digest properly because the body will use the sugar first and stop digesting the rest of the food until the sugar is used up. So your body is starving for usable nutrients that have been properly digested.

Acid reflux usually tortures me if I eat any type of starch. Starches are bread, potatoes, rice, etc… Acid reflux is a sign that you are not digesting food well.

If you take medication to neutralize the acid, it will cause your food to not be further digested. Especially the meat. If this meat is trapped in your body due to constipation and is not digested because the stomach acid has been neutralized by the drugs, then it begins to rot.

Then you are full of rotten meat. This will also affect the way your body smells on the outside and if you have very smelly gas it means you are full of rotten food in your body.

You don’t have to live like this.

You can cleanse your body by correcting faulty dietary conditions and restore your health possibly better than ever.

If you eat meat, you want it to be fully digested in an acidic stomach. That’s why I sometimes take vitamin C ascorbic acid when I eat meat.

Vitamin C is also like a preservative. It is used in many canned foods as a preservative, kills yeast, and donates electrons to neutralize free radicals. It is a powerful antioxidant when taken in the right doses and in the right combinations of foods.

Most people eat meat. When you eat meat, your stomach pumps out a digestive fluid that is acidic to break down the meat. On the other hand, the body pumps out an enzyme to digest starch, but this enzyme is destroyed by acid.

The main cause of acid reflux is eating proteins and starches in the same meal. This always gives me horrible heartburn and acid reflux.

When you eat protein and starches at the same time, you’re asking for acid reflux because the body keeps pumping out more digestive fluid because it keeps breaking down because the starch enzyme is broken down by acid.

In general, most people are eating a diet that they grew up on and that is determined by what other people eat. Most people have been eating poorly since they were very young and don’t know what it feels like to be symptom free.

I was one of these people. I’m telling you, there’s a huge health epidemic and it’s because people have been brainwashed and addicted, and there’s so much disinformation clutter on the web and on TV that it’s almost a lost cause to try to interest people about healthy eating. .

Those who don’t wake up and realize that eating an unnatural diet full of refined foods and chemicals will lead most people to a lifetime of disease, pain and suffering.

Eating bad food combinations, wrong macronutrient ratios, foods that cause constipation, sugar that feeds yeast (causing athlete’s foot and other yeast, yeast infections, jock itch, chronic fatigue), eating foods that make you acidic (causing filters bone minerals), and eating refined starches can cause acid reflux and weight gain in most people, in my opinion.

So it’s not acid reflux that causes weight gain, it’s faulty dietary habits that cause both unhealthy weight gain and acid reflux and heartburn. And in my experience, acid reflux and gas tones go hand in hand.

In summary and to get to my final point, faulty diet causes a ripple effect of many health symptoms and ailments that are entirely preventable if corrected before anything serious develops.

Acid reflux and weight gain will be the least of your worries, as these conditions are early warning signs of more serious health conditions that will continue to develop until you cleanse your digestive tract and normalize your body’s pH.

Acid reflux does not cause weight gain. Like excess gas, jock itch, headaches, acne and pimples, bad breath, rotten body odor.

These are all simply warning signs that your digestive system has been compromised. Many symptoms of disease, pain and suffering, and a single cause. Faulty Diet and Toxicity. Both easily correctable.


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