
The Perfect Tech Experience

Arts Entertainments

Moving? Pack an emotional first aid kit

From Making the Big Move: How to Transform Relocation into a Creative Life Transition. For a desert hike, pack sunscreen, bandages, and bug spray. When you move to a new home or a new job, you are faced with loneliness…

Dowry Journal

A comfortable job in the US As a software engineer is one of many dreams topping the list of aspiring young Indians. The desire for dollars in multiples of thousands and the dreams that accompany it would be evident in…

Venus-Neptune Aspects – "First, you have to kiss a lot of frogs"

“To find a prince, you have to kiss a lot of frogs.” This may be a mantra for the Venus-Neptune aspects, as finding a dream man or woman to merge with is your compelling quest. Unlike the Venus-Pluto or Venus-Saturn…

10 vegan celebrities and why they went vegan

The vegan diet is at the forefront of society with many vegan celebrities. Several reasons support your diet changes, such as choosing not to support cruelty to animals. Another reason is because of their health and appearance, a big problem…

Mexican boxing: our pride and passion

Growing up in a Mexican / Mexican American family in Southern California exposed me to many things. Rice, beans, tortillas, menudo, ceviche, piƱatas, Chapulin Colorado, El Chavo Del Ocho, and rancheritas were just a few of the many experiences I…

Cincinnati’s free agent offer to Mike Schmidt would likely have cost them their last championship.

As the Reds celebrate the 25th anniversary of their last World Series championship, it’s time to examine the role the all-time hitting king played in that 1990 sweep of the Oakland Athletics. Pete Rose, who was kicked out of baseball…

What does Proverbs 10:14 mean?

Please explain the proverb: “The wise accumulate knowledge, but the mouth of fools is near destruction” (Proverbs 10:14). “If you have too many questions, you may not have friends,” says 6-year-old Myles. Yes, sometimes it is better not to know…

Rap’s obsession with gangsters and gangsters

Most of us don’t even blink when we refer to rappers by the names of some of the world’s most notorious drug lords and gangsters. The fascination for the gangster lifestyle has become a fixture for these artists and the…

Catholic lies and murders the world tolerates

The history of religion is a history of extreme torture, murder, and genocide. It is happening now and has done throughout the modern era. The Catholic Church is the worst culprit of all, but it survives with governments everywhere who…

No pregnancy, no marriage rites

What do we call this? A family with the acceptance of the supposed born again brother gave a verdict that; No pregnancy, no marriage ritual! Reason: the older brother’s wife is still not pregnant after years of marriage and they…