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Health Fitness

Let Me Show You How I Lost 17lbs, 3.6% Body Fat, and 8+ Inches in 30 Days – My Personal Story

A question I get asked all the time these days is: How can I lose as much weight as you in such a short amount of time? In this post I hope to answer that, tell you some secrets I…

Couch Potatoes – Get those perfect abs with ease

If you’re anything like me, then the thought of endless hours of exercise is probably enough to make you sweat. Now, I don’t like working out, but I have to say I like to look my best and like most…

New "eat for your eye color" weight loss diet

You have no doubt heard of the popular book “The Blood Type Diet”. In fact, the blood ‘type’ you have is identified by the presence or absence of antigens called A and B. The blood type you have is significant…

Kettlebell exercises for women

Consider kettlebell workouts for women Have you seen those funny looking dumbbells lying around the gym? If you’ve been avoiding them because you’re not sure what they’re for or even what they’re called kettlebells, you’ve come to the right place….

Health benefits of aronia berry juice

INTRODUCTION Crinkle up and get ready to experience the benefits of Aronia Berry Tart. The term “superfood” gets thrown around a lot, but when it comes to these berries and the health benefits of their juice, the term is well…

Rabbit Care Guidelines

Food: Today there are several brands of rabbit food available on the market; you should choose one that is low in synthetic flavors and colors. The feed should be offered daily (puppies should consume 80 grams per day, and adults…

Weight Loss Tips For Women Taking Birth Control Pills

One of the downsides to using birth control pills is that they can cause a woman to gain weight. There are efforts you can make though that will reduce the likelihood of that happening. Find some of these efforts in…

Treat Candid Yeast Infections and Yeast Infections Comprehensively: Foods to Avoid When Changing Your Diet

Candida is an organism that lives naturally in the gut, mouth, and genitals of a healthy body. It is kept in check by a healthy immune system and the activities of other good bacteria that are also present. Diet is…

Weight Loss For Women Over 45: Tips For Women Over 45 To Lose 4 To 5 Pounds Of Weight In 7 Days

There are many ways to execute weight loss for women over 45. Lack of activity, menopause, and hormonal imbalances cause obesity in older women. The slow rate of metabolism in the body due to aging is also one of the…

How To Lose 10 Pounds In A Week: 8 Proven Tips That Helped Me Lose 10 Pounds In A Week

I desperately needed to lose weight for my wedding. I have lost 13 pounds in the first week and 10 pounds in the second. This is a pretty short time to lose weight, and not a very healthy one, I…