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Health Fitness

The workout of a cardio snob

As I flip through the pages of various Christmas issues of my favorite fitness/women’s magazines, I notice many articles about the benefits of practicing yoga during this stressful time of year. At the risk of sounding like a cardio snob,…

Fibroid Tumor – Powerful Natural Remedies Revealed!

Among the most painful and dangerous female disorders is the fibroid tumor of the uterus. In part, the danger is more psychological than physical. The rising incidence of cancer coupled with an extensive advertising campaign has made the public highly…

Reduce Hypertension – Reasons to Drink Aloe Vera Juice

The highest pressure reached during each heartbeat is called the systolic pressure, and the lowest between two beats is known as the diastolic pressure. Most young adults have a blood pressure of around 120/80. It usually increases with age, even…

The word you need to add to exercise and your training to be successful

We have our favorite, or maybe not so favorite, exercise workouts and we try to stay “motivated” and stick with them. But sometimes that motivation fails, our good intentions get sidetracked, and we lose our forward momentum. To do? Well,…

How long does it take to lose weight with Medifast?

I get a lot of questions aimed at determining what people should expect in terms of a time frame for losing weight on the Medifast diet. People want to know how long it will take until they start shedding pounds…

Flatter Lower Abs – 7 Key Benefits of Having a Flat Stomach

Many people I know have been so obsessed with having flatter lower abs without even knowing why they want it in the first place or more importantly why they need to have it. Certainly, flat abs are more than just…

Do you love Chinese food? Think twice before ordering!

Do you love to eat Chinese food? Most of us do, but don’t be fooled into thinking anything on the Chinese food menu is good for you. In fact, most people see Chinese cuisine as a healthy alternative to fast…

Most effective ways to get rid of a hickey

People get hickeys in all sorts of places, but the real problem comes when the hickey is a place where it’s visible. It may not be such a big medical problem, but it can certainly become a social problem. It…

Aklan Inubaran Chicken

Chicken is the most common poultry dish in Filipino cuisine. The recipes spread in various restaurants and by home chefs are evidence of this hobby. The great thing about Pinoy Delights is the creativity in indigenous cooking. When you have…

7 benefits of an exercise to lose weight that you can easily do at home

Benefit #1 There is no racing involved at all. If you have been wondering how can I lose belly fat, this is the perfect exercise for you. If you think you need to run to lose weight, think again, especially…