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Health Fitness

Most effective ways to get rid of a hickey

People get hickeys in all sorts of places, but the real problem comes when the hickey is a place where it’s visible. It may not be such a big medical problem, but it can certainly become a social problem. It can cause you a lot of embarrassment, especially if you are a teenager or have cheated on your partner. And by my calculations, the kiss mark on your neck certainly falls into that category. What prompted me to write this guide was the question How to remove kiss marks from the neck? on Ask.com and a lot of people seemed to be concerned. You have to stay calm and if you use your head correctly, it’s not really a big deal.

Without further talking, let us discuss what ways and methods can be used to easily get rid of love bites.

Biologically speaking, a hickey on the neck is similar to a hickey anywhere else on the body. Therefore, all the conventional methods to get rid of love bites on the neck can also be applied. If you want your hickeys to go away, you should try to hide them. Because whatever happens, it would take time for it to heal. It’s just like any other bruise, and bruises take time to heal.

  • ice hockey – If you received your hickey less than 12 hours ago, the recommended method to use is the cold pack method. You have to put ice on the hickey to remove the redness. You can do this by placing an ice cube in the spoon and rubbing the back of the spoon around your Hickey first clockwise then counterclockwise for 2 minutes. Read the full guide on how to get rid of a hickey you got less than 24 hours ago.
  • Apply toothpaste to get rid of kiss mark – Now pass a tooth and apply the layer of it. It would tingle you a bit, so don’t worry. Remove it after 10 minutes with a warm towel. It would help remove the kiss mark from the neck.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin K – Eat foods rich in nutrition, especially foods that are rich in vitamin K. Vitamin K is believed to help get rid of a hickey.
  • Apply the heat pack to the skin – If the kiss mark has been stuck for more than 2 days, you should apply the hot compress method. The reason behind using this method is that the blood vessels heal within 48 hours and the penetration of blood in that area can make the hickey on the neck disappear.

Put the heat pack on the hickey mark for several minutes i.e. 10-15 minutes.
Apply the concealer to blur the redness on the skin.

Make sure the heat pack or towel is not too hot as it can cause skin burns. Care must be taken with this method.


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