
The Perfect Tech Experience


Mass shootings: The elephant in the kitchen strikes again

The recent mass shootings in Dayton and El Paso are another sign of our imploding society in America. Regardless of what the left likes to proclaim, it’s not about the guns. Nor is it about ‘white supremacy’. Both are mere…

Most Common Job for High School Students: You’re Worth More Than Minimum Wage

Some people who are still in high school just don’t have luck on their side and are forced to take part-time jobs to maintain their education. A minimum wage job for a high school student will also put food on…

T-shirt Printing Tips: How To Create Your Own Custom T-shirts Online

T-shirt printing: 3 things to consider. These three inexpensive tips are easy to follow, simple to use, and will give you a lot of satisfaction when you wear your custom t-shirts soon. Let’s start with the end in mind. Instead…

My kids don’t drive me crazy

As a homeschooler, when you see me in public, you will probably see one to five of my children next to me. It doesn’t matter if it’s 10:00 am on a Wednesday at the grocery store or 11:30 am in…

Alternative uses for your living room

Like most colonial houses, our house has a family room and a living room. And like most homeowners, we spend a lot more time in our family room than we do in our living room. In fact, my 7-year-old still…

A new look at teaching children with learning difficulties

A decade ago, when I was in graduate school, I could barely contain my excitement when it came time to take remedial reading courses. I just couldn’t wait to find the answers to the questions that had plagued me about…

Three steps to kill fleas or be eaten alive

You have pets in your house? Are you being eaten alive by fleas? These usually appear as itchy red welts on the skin. Do you know how to stop this? The weather has changed and it’s hot in Southern California….

Fresh paint can make your business more attractive

With the help of commercial painters, you can make your business more attractive. It may look older and run down, but all of that can be fixed. You can hire them to paint it in the same colors, but the…

Paper Crafting In Schools: Scrapbooking Concepts Used In The Educational System

Scrapbooking lovers have some benefits that they can experience during and after their scrapbooking and paper crafting activities. The first of them is included in the artistic hobbies themselves; they give them the opportunity to flow through emotions and experiences,…

Complete overview of hepatitis B and how to treat it

It is a viral infection caused by the hepatitis B virus that attacks the liver of the human body. This virus has been present in the world since the Bronze Age. Its evidence was found in 4,500-year-old human remains. According…