
The Perfect Tech Experience


Mass shootings: The elephant in the kitchen strikes again

The recent mass shootings in Dayton and El Paso are another sign of our imploding society in America. Regardless of what the left likes to proclaim, it’s not about the guns. Nor is it about ‘white supremacy’. Both are mere symptoms of a nation entering its final years of life. That’s the elephant in the kitchen.

America long ago began to remove God from society. That would be the God who actually provides the sovereignty under which we inhabit his land. It is worth noting that if man offered our sovereign, man could take it from us, which is what is happening in our country right now.

We have removed God from public places, banned Him from our schools, and allowed elected officials to pledge their allegiance to our nation in books other than His Bible. So we wonder why we don’t enjoy the blessings upon America that we once enjoyed. After the war to put God out of sight, we began killing their newborn children by the thousands upon thousands in the name of ‘rights’ and publicly vilifying anyone who disagrees.

We wake up every day in a society where morals no longer exist, where marriage, once the laboratory of decency, is being branded ‘obsolete’ and thrown into the dustbin of history. Our children are in the state’s care from cradle to college graduation when they owe student loans they can never repay. We go to bed, sleepless, wondering why people shoot other people. We should be amazed not by the shooters but by the people who are surprised that shootings happen.

Courts are ordering parents to chemically castrate eight-year-olds they think are the wrong sex; schools are disciplining students for not using the proper ‘pronouns’ when addressing other students and men who cannot compete with other men in sports can claim to be women and go home with the gold.

As a society, we cannot continue to plant thorns and expect the roses to bloom. We allow immigration, both legal and illegal, to dilute the values ​​that made our nation strong. We are flooding our country with people, many through no fault of their own, who now have no idea of ​​living or contributing to a peaceful and productive society. In the left’s quest for so-called ‘equality’, they are turning our culture and our nation into the very countries our new immigrants have fled from.

We have a culture where we should not discriminate against anyone or anything except white people and white men in particular. Women are martyrs; the men are guilty, it doesn’t matter until they are proven guilty, and the blacks are ‘owed’ reparations and the Spanish deserve to have their lands returned to them. Women demonize masculinity while many others are offended by a fart in the wind. And we wonder why people go crazy and shoot people.

A wise man once said ‘you reap what you sow’ and our harvest is getting uglier every day. Young people who spend hours and hours playing violent video games, never talking to a real person, begin to believe that their lonely lives are real.

All but a handful in America are guilty. The deluded and the do-gooders who push for a Marxist utopia are leading the charge.

What about the silent majority you ask? What about them? They don’t mean anything precisely because they don’t say or do anything. The elephant in the kitchen, that giant that we will not talk about, is getting bigger and bigger. The elephant of broken families, political correctness, a rainbow of genders, and open borders coupled with the left’s move toward tribalism is nearly indestructible at this point.

Just as we are not surprised when the sun rises in the morning, we should not be surprised by the shooting, looting, and mayhem of the new Third World America.


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