
The Perfect Tech Experience


Use of flannel boards in early childhood education

What is a flannel board or storyboard? It is an invaluable and versatile educational tool for preschool teachers and children. The storyboard has become an integral part of the preschool curriculum. It’s basically a story board covered in flannel or…

Home remedy for sinusitis using 3 plant extracts

I have read and written many articles on home remedies for sinusitis and I am a firm believer in using what Mother Nature has provided us on this Earth to heal ourselves physically, spiritually, emotionally and financially. A friend of…

Oyebanji Samson Oluwatobi: A Cacophony of Destruction

For the most irreplaceable best friend Dear SOT, Today, on the anniversary of your birth, I have been thinking about you a lot. I can’t believe you’re these years old today! Boy, you are old; but, make no mistake, in…

My mind is still racing – Techniques to calm a busy mind

A full mind needs full attention. When your mind is full and thoughts are just a whirlwind, it’s hard to focus on anything. Or does this happen when you’re trying to fall asleep, your thoughts won’t leave you alone, and…

New Parenting Book Offers International Tips for Raising Happy Families

It’s time for parents to think outside the box, and Joanne Holbrook’s Your Passport to Parenting is just the ticket to a whole new world of advice and wisdom on raising children to be safe, happy, and confident adults. Joanne…

5 activities cats love to participate in whenever they can

Cats love to scratch and scratch It is instinctive for cats to scratch and claw at different surfaces as a way of sharpening their claws. They actually have a lot of fun doing this. In addition to sharpening their claws,…

Old sleeping bags: 13 ways to reuse or recycle them

1. Make a quilt using whatever padding is inside the old sleeping bag. If the inside or outside of the old bag is in good condition, you could use it for the back of your new quilt. 2. Make a…

Falling out of bed leads to a difficult decision in caring for the mother

Family caregivers must be prepared to make a difficult decision or adjustment almost every day. When you bring a family member into your own home, there will be constant changes to deal with. Other family members, work schedules, and individual…

Some basic information about the Golden Retriever

This dog is the fourth most popular breed in the United States and also extremely popular in Europe. Their beautiful golden coat and energetic nature make them the perfect family dog. Also trained to assist the blind, detect drugs and…

Step-Parents Vs “Real” Parents

The other day, Alison and I were talking about her final project for college. She was writing an article about her relationship with Rob. We talked a bit about stepdads and how our relationships with them shaped our lives and…