
The Perfect Tech Experience

Digital Marketing

Communication plans matter

Communications Planning
Communication is key to business.

Making powerful communications a focus can affect your bottom line.

–>> Sales is communication.

–>> Donors come from communications.

–>> Customers register due to communications.

–>> Users join by communications.

Whether you’re a small business, a nonprofit, or a HUGE corporation, having a powerful, solid, and thoughtful communications plan can improve your business.

Communicate often and be up front. Do not hide.

Say the same thing OVER and AGAIN, but say it differently. You don’t know when the right time will happen for each person.

Think about your children, how many times have you said the same thing, over and over again? A lots of!

Repetition and consistency are needed. Today may NOT be the day the person NEEDS what you have to offer, but next week may be.

Often, we have to say the same thing over and over again, because the WAY we said it the first time didn’t connect. But this time, she does!

We all know that communication is a challenge! Perhaps one of the most difficult things we do as humans. It takes persistence and it takes listening.

For my part, I know that I am constantly evaluating my communications. It amazes me when I think that I have been very clear and that the listener did NOT “get” what he was saying! It seemed SO clear!

Communication is two-way, right? So even though I can think it was perfectly clear, the listener didn’t get it. Again, think about your children, your partner or a friend: you say something to them and they do something totally in conflict with what YOU just said! But they think it IS what you said!

I know you have experienced this.

It’s the same with your email marketing or outsourced marketing. Yes, you think you have it very clear. You think everyone understands exactly what you do and what you offer (ask your mom if she knows what you do!!).

But then, you realize that something is NOT working! Your business is not growing. Go back to communications.

To do?

  1. Create a plan —
  • How often do you want to communicate with your contacts?
  • What medium is the best way to communicate? Email? social media? website? telephone?
  1. Which is the message? What do you want to communicate?
  • Create a list of possible topics and keep adding to it.
  • listen to what your customers ask/say
  • write articles or content to answer questions, share experience and promote services/products
  1. Develop your content calendar
  • How often will you communicate with your list?
  • aim for consistency, but don’t panic if you’re not perfect.

I think one of the keys is not to be afraid to communicate. I see businesses that continue to hesitate. They tell me things like: “I don’t want to be a bother”… or “I don’t want to send emails too often”… or…

What is the excuse running through your mind right now?

When you don’t communicate, you miss out! You miss out on building the relationship, building rapport, nurturing the relationship, making sales, getting referrals, new customers, new leads, new donors…it just doesn’t help your business.

When you are afraid to communicate, because of the possible reaction to your communications, come forward. Upload your communications. If a change is coming and you know people will be upset, tell them what’s coming. Be sincere. Be clear. being transparent will help you in the long run.

So be BOLD! You are a leader! You have valuable information to share! Powerful communications to your list, to your customers, to your new contacts, to your prospects, can change your bottom line. You are driving your ship! Do not be afraid. You got this! Come out and share, share, share!!


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