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Compactors – 3 hidden benefits

All businesses should look for innovative ways to save money while helping the environment, without sacrificing productivity. Among the most popular options found in modern times is really a nostalgia trip for some as it comes to compactors. These small-sized machines that can be located in kitchen areas, utility rooms, and other convenient locations are becoming increasingly popular. Instead of wasting many hours handling trash and making trips to the dumpster, trash can be compacted to simplify trash routines and trips to the dumpster occur much less frequently. Trash management may not sound appealing, but saving money is a big thing, so compactors are definitely something to consider. In addition to all of the many obvious benefits below, there are 3 other ways that compactors can help:

• Carbon Footprint – The additional transportation requirements due to loose trash compared to compacted trash means many more emissions than could otherwise be eliminated by implementing a compactor. There may also be tax advantages for those who are taking steps to reduce energy consumption. Saving on energy use is not only a great thing for those who are making the savings directly, but it’s also a great thing for the environment. If more people become aware of these kinds of “green” choices, then the world could reverse global warming trends relatively easily.

• Landfill Utilization – Compactors not only help reduce the time and money required to care for waste, they also help landfills. Since compactors help make waste much more manageable, it means better landfill utilization and longer life. In short, when waste is compacted at the source, everyone along the ‘waste management chain’ benefits. Not only do you save money in every level, but you can also save the Earth step by step.

• Litter-related incidents such as parking lot maintenance and cleanup: Since compactors’ volume reduction rates typically range from 5 to 1 to 15 to 1, it means that ‘throws’ and/or ‘pulls’ garbage are greatly reduced. which can mean a huge reduction in wear and tear on your parking lot. Additionally, overflowing dumpsters can be eliminated and the size and number of dumpsters cluttering your parking lot can also be reduced.

The above 3 hidden benefits are more reasons why compactors are useful in business. This type of disposal equipment can be a benefit to almost any business that does not already use compactors in their business operations. If you take the time to evaluate the benefits of compactors, it could literally mean savings of 15-50% on your annual waste hauling costs, not to mention labor and productivity benefits. With that said, you will also be one step ahead of your competitors who do not use compactors in their business.


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