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Creating the Ultimate Scrapbooking Room – How to Personalize Your Scrapbooking Space

I have decided to dedicate this issue to all of us who need space for a scrapbook. Yes, that’s right, a place of our own to create our scrapbooking conventions. Now I admit that I am not the one who would make my children share a room just to have my own space. But I do think there is something to be said for people who can keep all their scrapbooking stuff together and “out” so that a page layout or card can be made even if you only have half an hour.

You’ve probably seen some fabulous spaces out there. I think it’s time to create your own fabulous scrapbooking space. The space does not have to be huge or even a room in itself. Find a place in your house that works: under the stairs, an unused attic or bonus room, a corner of a TV room, or even in the garage (you’d be surprised how many women have had to resort to this space). I realize that some of us will always be “mobile” scrapbookers (making scrapbooks at each other’s houses or in stores), but I think eventually we all need some space to call the scrapbooks home. of clippings.

Once you’ve chosen your space, the next important thing is to evaluate the things you have and decide what type of storage and work space will work for you. Some things to consider:

-Do you want to stand or sit when you scrapbook?

-How much space do you need while scrapping a page?

-Do you want everything to be at arm’s length as you work on a page?

-Can your space be permanent or do you have to be able to move it (ie do you rent your space or will you be moving in the next few years)?

-How much money do you have left over to start your place?

– Are there things you already have that could work for storage or a desk? (use an old table as a desk or a file cabinet for papers).

-Do you need to make space for your computer and printer?

If you have to start from scratch and want the option of something non-permanent, modular storage cubes are probably the way to go. These cubes are usually 14″-24″ squares that have shelves, drawers, doors, or are open for their own storage. Target and Walmart sell a few different types. You can also check out Ek Success’s line of cubes (http://www.scrapbookfinds.com/content/search-results.php?name=storage%20cube). Just get as many cubes as you have products and stack them.

There are, of course, many other ways to set up your junk space, but these are my favorites. Don’t forget to get some fun storage boxes that also make a perfect decoration. Also, be sure to personalize your place with some fun decor and paint. Good luck! Check out some great scrapbook rooms here on these websites for more ideas:

1.) Making Memories 2001 [http://www.creatingkeepsakes.com/magazine/article.ihtml?index_field=732&issue=November+2001&backIssu]

2.) The Organized Junker

3.) Making Memories 2002

4.) Crazy Cutter [http://www.madcropper.com/scrap-room-envy/]

Let me know if you have a fabulous room you’d like to show!


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