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Does my boyfriend still love me? What to do if you’re losing it

If you and your boyfriend were ever in love, there’s a good chance he still has feelings for you. But you have to understand that many guys are not going to show their true emotions. What your boyfriend says doesn’t always reveal how he really feels. How can you know if he still loves you? And is there any way to “recover” any love loss? There are no hopeless situations… if you are wondering if my boyfriend still loves me, here are some clues to look for.

It is normal for a relationship to change over time. Just because your boyfriend isn’t acting like he did in the “honeymoon phase” doesn’t mean he fell for you. But there are certain “signs of trouble” that may indicate that he is pulling away.

signs of trouble

kissing Does he rarely kiss you anymore? There’s no reason to expect kissing to be the way it was in the beginning, but very little or no kissing usually means you’re growing emotionally distant.

Leave. Does your boyfriend spend more and more nights with the guys? If your boyfriend constantly finds excuses to be away from you, this may be a sign that he wants his freedom back.

arguments. Is he constantly pestering you and starting fights over the most trivial things? This is often a sign that you are resentful of deeper issues.

Special hours. Does your boyfriend rarely want to spend special time with you? This may be a sign that he is losing interest and taking you for granted.

Bottom line:

If your boyfriend displays 2 or more of the above behaviors, this is a sign that your relationship is in trouble. But what can you do?

First, ask yourself if this relationship is worth saving. If you answered yes, then you need to take steps to bring this relationship back to life. Yes, you’ll probably have to start things off, especially if he’s already lost a lot of interest.

You want to get your boyfriend interested in the relationship again so that you can really communicate about the deeper issues that need healing.

If you want to get him interested again, you need to stop any behavior that is needy or aggressive. Don’t argue about the relationship or keep pushing him to open up. This will only push you further. Time is of the essence…now is not the time to push it.

Instead, start doing things that are just for you…examples could be spending time with your friends and family, starting a new hobby, going to the gym, etc. Just make sure it’s not anything destructive to the relationship.

Take it easy, do positive things for yourself, and give her space. The idea here is that you are no longer “chasing” it. You are doing your thing and this should pique his interest again. Do this correctly and he will no longer see you as someone who nags and pushes him…instead, you have become independent and a bit of a mystery. Guys are attracted to this. Remember, it is human nature to walk away if someone pushes you. Do the opposite… and watch as he approaches you.


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