
The Perfect Tech Experience

Health Fitness

Energy Medicine

Pilates is much more than an exercise method. Pilates has an effect on the mind, body and spirit and brings about incredible changes in the being in general. There is an art to performing Pilates like no other exercise modality you have ever experienced. Pilates requires focus, concentration, coordination, breathing, and a sense of confidence in the movement of the human body. There are more than 500 exercises in the Pilates repertoire, but they are not individual exercises in themselves. These exercises can be put together in as many different ways as the mind can imagine. Pilates can be used to bring about a change in the body that helps build strength, flexibility, suppleness, and overall function.

In the book Energy Medicine, Adolph states: “The integrated human body is the sum of thousands of physiological processes and traits working together. Each breath and heartbeat involves countless events working together. number of functions. I find this statement absolutely mind-boggling for the sheer idea of ​​all the processes that need to come together to make a single movement that people aren’t even aware of at the time. Adolph then goes on to state, “If there were no integration of activities, life would be a random jumble of physical and chemical events reaching no known achievement.”

From this statement we know that each and every movement we make affects the whole body. Each and every movement affects every system in the body, including but not limited to the immune system, digestive system, respiratory system, and cardiovascular system. In fact, recent research shows that our bodies are made up of thousands of cells and that each and every cell is made up of all the body systems themselves. This is incredible! Every movement we make and every thought we have has an effect on the entire body. So a Pilates instructor may be working with someone to help you increase your core strength and improve your flexibility, but at the same time the effects can and do extend to other areas of the body as well as the mind.

So if you believe this to be true, then you should also know that any restraint or injury that is sustained in the body can have consequences throughout the organism. Our bodies are quite complex and are made up of numerous systems that work simultaneously to help us function to our fullest potential. Everything we do has an effect on the body as a whole. If you believe this, then you have a responsibility to yourself to treat your body with the utmost respect. We all need to create an environment in which our minds and bodies can function to their full potential. This environment should minimally consist of exercise, proper nutrition, healthy habits, and positive thinking.


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