
The Perfect Tech Experience

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Find the essence of the truth

Find the truth

The facts of life

Tabula rasa! This is how everyone begins, without concept of ideologies, likes or dislikes, beliefs or disbeliefs, prejudices, without knowledge of good and evil, legally or morally, without understanding of beginnings or endings, heaven or hell, purgatory or limbo, of where it all came from or where it all goes in the end. He only knows that it exists and not even why.

The embryonic stage establishes norms, behaviors, templates: it forms bases for opinions and begins a database of useful information and some not-so-necessary things that just seem to persist for no good reason. It is there, like some dreams that repeat themselves and do not mean anything obvious.

Somehow, the enforcement agency that controls the behavior of the population has to be neutral and impartial. You must have a computer consciousness that is unmoved by emotions and cannot be swayed by rhetoric or tears in the name of pure, unadulterated justice. You cannot like it or like it; neither can he hate nor be hated. There can be no sensitivity or subjectivity to sway a fair conclusion, just an unqualified silicon chip mentality, not unlike the fictional Robocop in its ideal mode. The theme of this stance permeated the entire society and became the means by which social cohesion was measured and determined.

The child came to the world tight between the lips to which he would eventually return (elsewhere), under great pressure, and the knot that frees him from dependence in a literal sense would be tied to become a new statistical individual of protoplasmic compounds . that would somehow shape a small part (or the whole) of the world. Your mind is virtual clean sheet, until the moment in which the proof of intelligent existence in the womb is verified, and from that moment on it is susceptible to expressions, impressions, depressions, flagrant and subtle deletions, and any other formation of nouns that may exist in the world, descending on him like a torrential. flood, unstoppable and irreversible. That is the nature of time.

Her first primary tears and cries are instinctive, a kind of “Hi, I’m here and I’m not so sure I want to be.” a physical and emotional reaction to entering the first light (and a bright one at that) and a fresh breeze and lighter than the fluid, splashing environment he was used to for so long. There were many hands in solidarity, strong, delicate, firm and secure. The uterine restrictions are gone, the kicks are not repelled, and the sucking lungs gasp for bulk air, a perpetuated rhythmic continuum. ad aeternam or until death stops him.

After all, what is right or wrong? Who is the judge? What are the sanctions and who has the right or obligation to execute them? Society capriciously imposes its will on its members and implores some eternal entity out of fear of the unknown to ratify its imposition.

Like a sponge, from the first to two years, the child absorbs the images and sounds and feels the depth of his environment, collecting the data with which his foundation will be based. It is a silent accumulation, like an overnight snowstorm, accumulating layer after layer of information, unclassified but archived for future reference. He irrevocably joins the genetic lineage and finds refuge in the arms and breasts of the mother who feeds and nurtures him and the father who offers strength and security in the security of his protective custody.

The world continues its revolutions and “revolutions” amid billions of once innocent and harmless children, all adults. They come and go from generation to generation, each with their own set of standards, expectations, philosophies, attitudes and perspectives in a life and death struggle that inevitably ends in the grave as silent as it was before being existed. And the children keep growing.

Meanwhile, those who made them try to fit together like different puzzle pieces: close, but they never fit perfectly. That’s a fact of life: shave a little here and a bit there to put the pieces together, or ignore the differences and pretend they go together anyway. Mix the cultures a little more and there is a wider gap due to traditional language and expectations that are not only in different orbs, but are light years apart. But I digress. The knight in shining armor, LOVE, comes to the rescue of the besieged. But that is another story.


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