
The Perfect Tech Experience


Fix Credit Rating: How I increased my credit score by 132 points

Last year I needed to fix my credit rating and I needed to do it fast. I used to have a very low credit score of 523 points and was unable to get approved for a loan or gas card.

I’m not going to tell you a sad story of how I lost my job and everything was lost. That would not be the truth. The truth of the matter is that I was very careless with my spending and the way I was using my credit cards. Even when I had money, I kept charging things on my credit card.

If you know anything about credit cards, you know how easy it is to get a card once you’ve established yourself with some of the major credit card companies. Well, my ex and I started applying for and receiving all kinds of credit cards. Then we realized that we could handle the minimum payments each month. At first, he doesn’t realize that even though the payment is less than twenty dollars, he gets several bills like that every month and it adds up fast.

Before we knew it, we had close to twenty-five thousand dollars in credit card debt. And let me tell you, it doesn’t take long to get that deep into the hole with credit cards. Credit card companies are very smart people and they know how to play on our greed and desires. You start getting “you’re approved” applications in the mail every month and eventually you’ll fill them out and get a credit card.
My ex and I were divorced several years ago, and it took me a while to get over it. But one of the things I never said was “my ex ruined my credit.” Trust me, it was a joint effort to ruin our credit. I didn’t blame anyone but myself for the situation I was in and I knew I had to do something to change my situation.

My credit union had a credit and budget management class and I took it and it helped me, but my credit score was getting worse. Then one day I stumbled upon this site on how to raise your credit score in 37 days or less. The site claimed that it could help you increase your credit score by 135 points in 37 days or less and it only costs $37.00.

I thought it’s only $37.00 dollars, why not give it a try? The bottom line is that the program worked for me and I was able to increase my credit score by 132 points. The best part for me was that I was able to remove so many late payments from my credit reports. This really helped me when I got my new job and I need to move to an apartment close to my new job. I was nervous that the people at the apartment would do a credit check and deny my application, but they told me my credit was excellent.

Now that I raised my credit score and was able to fix my credit score, I will never be stupid with credit cards again.


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